HELL YEAHHH this shit goes hard. More fun than the first Isaac, and alot fairer too, especially with the addition of seeds! Instead of restarting a run over and over waiting for the right items, all you have to do is get a single one, then input the seed for it on the character select screen.

As I said in my first review, i'm not a big fan of the boring ass pixel art, but thankfully in the options menu you can smooth it out to make it look more like the original. The animation in the ending looks fucking beautiful too, so it's an alright trade off.

In a world where indie developers pump out generic rogue-like after generic rogue-like, TBOI:R really stands out as the king of it's genre. Excited to try out Afterbirth, +, and Repentance!

I've made WAY too many reviews on SOR2/3 and BK3, but I just can't help it. I love these games to death, and nowadays, they go under the radar too often (ESPECIALLY SOR3). All of them get my highest recommendation.

Anyway, this time going through, I did a 1CC on Hard, and Jesus, if there's 1 problem with BK3, its just way too easy. Not only did I do it on my first try, I also beat Robot Y with 8 lives remaining. Looks like i'll have to play on Very Hard to be able to have a challenge lmao (i did beat sor3 on normal, so maybe i'm desensitized idk).

It's always hard to summarize your thoughts on a game you love, so all i'll say is that it's fucking GOOD.

I didn't like this game. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't like it. The controls feel like ass to me (especially the double-jump that's mandatory in the later levels), half of the boss attacks are SUPER tough to dodge and overall, I didn't find the game fun. By Stage 6, I was save-scumming like crazy, making sure I would finish this game as quick as possible.

Too bad it has the best intro and ending in Mega Drive history, like genuinely, they are so fucking good.

Now this one brings back some (bad) memories lol.

Around 2012, I was searching for games on Newgrounds, and randomly found this. I had no expectations, so I just played it. Just so you know, this game uses a pixel art style, but in an extremely unnerving way, so after about 5 seconds, I shut the tab and started crying (yknow, bcus 8 yr old me was a little bitch). For years after, I still remembered the image from the start of the game, so recently, I decided to finally find it. After searching for a while, I just put in "scary flash games" into the search bar, and finally found it! Sadly, it was taken off Newgrounds, but I was able to find it on one of those random flash game sites.

Well, the game itself is more of an art-piece. Covetous isn't designed to be a fun game, but considering that it only took me 5 minutes to get both endings, that doesn't really matter. I won't spoil too much about it in case you wanna go out and try it, but I feel I need to add a TW for some body horror, and flashing lights in the ending.

Little Samson is one of those games where getting a Game Over and being sent back a bit isn't annoying. It's always fun no matter what, and it's not too hard either (maybe cuz i was playing on easy), which makes it a great start to anyone wanting to get into the NES library. Easily a Top 5 game for the system.

fuck the final boss though, it's not that it's hard or anything, but the 2nd phase reminded me of the yellow devil, and remembering the yellow devil gives me physical pain. FUCK THE YELLOW DEVIL ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE YELLOW DEVIL

People always talk about how Mega Man nearly killed Wily in 7, but never talk about how in ending of this, he actually kills him?? So the ending goes like normal, Wily tries to escape like normal, but then Mega Man launches a FUCKING ROCKET AT HIM which sends him careening back to Earth. While on Earth, his spaceship EXPLODES. The explosion is so big, you could see it from space.

GB Mega Man has no mercy 😭

Streets Of Rage 3 will always be seen as the black sheep of the series. It will always be hated for being different, and for being too hard. I was just like those people too, but i've seen the light. this shit is PEAK

Since this will prob be my last review on any SOR game (unless i somehow beat this on hard) , I feel I need to mention how the bad ending song is fucking perfect. There's no catchy music, or any message telling you there's still hope, no. You fucked up, and now you have to pay for it. When the music started playing during the bad ending if you don't defeat Robot Y in time, and the text started talking about the 1000's who died in the explosion? Literal chills, man.

I won't say too much about this game, as it really should be experienced blind. It is one of the most beautiful, daunting, devastating, funny, and morally complex pieces of art I have played. Simply Exemplary.

also, glory to arstotska, haha i said the thing i'm so funny

What the hell? 2.1 average score? This game was great, even to the point where I would say I preferred it over Mega Man 4 and 5! Its short, easy (passwords make the lack of continues not matter) and fun. There's also a hard mode, which i'll definitely come back to one of these days.

Yeah, the screen crunch is pretty awful, and it can cause some trial and error with spike placements, but the better looking sprites sort of make it up to me.

The hate isn't deserved. Plus, what more do you guys want out of a portable Mega Man game??

Yeah, it's pretty damn good. My only gripes with it are the Transylvania stage (which makes you go through a random fucking wall in order to progress. idc if Huey told me there was one, it still isn't good game design) and the final boss, who I found super annoying. The pogo-stick also felt like it only worked when it wanted to.

Even with those problems, it's still a quality game for the NES! Something that surprised me was that it's more of a Metroidvania than a linear platformer. They put you in a small area, and you have to find the best way to the boss. The OST also goes CRAZY like goddamn

Dynamite Headdy is one of those games that's just impossible to hate. I could just end the review there, but I still got some extra space to fill out so ummm

Lets start off with the visuals, and.. fucking hell, what to say? They are BEAUTIFUL. This may be the best looking game on the MD, everything is so colorful and full of life and detailed and, and, and! The toy aesthetic also allows Treasure to make some stunning set-pieces. Sometimes, in the middle of boss fights or levels, I would pause the game and just.. look it at. Jesus Christ, have you ever just looked at Dynamite Headdy?

The game is also incredibly charming. I've already talked about the visuals, but there are other things, like the stage names. Fly Hard, Twin Freaks, Stair Wars, Toyz in the Hood, Fun Forgiven, Illegal Weapon, Terminate Her Too, The Rocket Tier, it might seem like i'm making these up, but nope. They're so unfunny that they become funny again.

There is one massive problem for me though, and that's the difficulty. To put it into simple terms, this shit is brutal, especially the last few bosses (the laser machine and final boss weren't too bad though). Once the schmup level came around, I was already using save states compulsively. If I wasn't trying to finish it though, it wouldn't be a big problem since this game is just fun.

Overall, a definite classic with a difficulty level that's a bit too high for me. Maybe I should try the JP version, anything to help with that ball-bustingly hard twin freaks boss.

Just an alert, DO NOT PLAY THE INTERNATIONAL VERSION. The JP release is much more fair. Bosses don't take millions of hits to kill, their attacks are easier to avoid and overall it's paced much better. The shitty Twin-Freaks boss is still the bane of my existence though. He can go blow the rawest cock imaginable. Not a big fan of the schmup stages either, but apart from that it's excellent! Def gonna try to beat it legit one of these days (not the us localisation obv lmao).

mofos will tell you "omg this game is too hard!!" well that wasn't the case for me (the gaming legend) cuz i beat it without a single game over 😎

also this is prob the best new soup game, the 100 second time limit makes levels fly by, and that final bowser fight was HYPE asf. kinda peak

I finally set up a SNES emulator, so expect more reviews on SNES games in the coming months!

Considering how much I love Final Fight 1, I was expecting to like this too, and for the most part I did! There are some pretty big problems stopping this from becoming a peak beat-em-up though.

Well, firstly, there really isn't much new from the first game. Hell, you even still have to press the attack and jump button together to do a special (come on capcom, there are 4 other buttons). What is new are 2 different characters, Carlos and Maki! They don't matter though, since you're gonna be picking Haggar anyway.

The length is a massive problem too. Final Fight 1 already dragged a little bit, but this one takes it up a notch. Even on Easy, my playtime was exceeding an hour. I know I shouldn't be talking like this is a bad thing, considering Streets Of Rage 3 is one of my favourite games oat, but that game has loads of fun gimmicks that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. In Final Fight 2, you fight 3 enemies, move a little, fight another 3 enemies, move a little, fight a BS boss, and onto the next round.

Even with those problems, I find it hard to not like this game. I mean, you can play as a Mayor who preforms fuckin pile drivers on his people, what more can I say?

its called duke nukem cuz i wanna nuke very copy of this game in existence

duke nukem games weren't good until he turned into an overly macho movie star