Finally beat the last 2 routes, the missile and ultimate being. Although i wish there was more to play, this game is mentally draining. Getting a perfect run with no deaths, only to fuck up on a boss you thought you had perfected is soul-crushing every single time. But once you get it all flawless, and you hear that final stage cleared music? Yeah, this is the best Contra imo


always used to think that if you got 10000 score, your internet would just come back.

I'm gonna tell Santa I want Ballz for Christmas

I don't know shit about wrestling, but this is easily the best NES sports game i've played so far, I genuinely don't get the low rating

why the hell did they think grid-based movement would be a good idea in a game like this

Really unpopular opinion, but i LOATHE this game

REALLY good, until the wily stages where the difficulty goes from challenging but fair, to challenging, but fuck you

Arthur has to be the most desperate mf of all time, he really went through all this just for some pussy

It’s ok, until world 4 when Nintendo got bored and let satan design the rest of the game

it took me 8 fucking minutes to pass the first floor

Alot like Zelda 1, with the difference that this game’s actually good

With rewind it’s pretty fun. Stage 5 is fucking insane though

Nintendo could make a game about Popo and Nana losing their legs in a car accident, and it would still have better jumping control than this