This review might be a bit biased bc I just love uncharted sm but I think this is honestly one of the best adventure/action games out there. Uncharted 1 was a bit annoying to play since it's controls were a bit weird, but 2 and 3 might be in my top 10 games. The story is so compelling and fun, combat is also really fun with alot of weapon variety. But one thing uncharted 1 did better than the rest was hand to hand combat. Uncharted 1s hand to hand combat is fr amazing, instead of doing the same 3 moves like the rest of the games, 1 has cool combos and a better damage system imo.

This game was sosososososo fun to play through. It has the best story from all the inchafged games and also best terrain, best characters, and the best concepts. Honestly this game had me playing it 24/7 it was just that good. I deff recommend it

Not much to say rlly. I rlly liked this game bc of gameplay and stuff but it was pretty much like uncharted 4. I love the characters tho and I wish we could've gotten a bit more of sam. Only negative abt this game is the last 2 chapters were a bit awkward imo ? Like Idk how to explain it but it just felt forced, kinda like the developers just wanted to get over with it. Still overall great game

Combat honestly sucked in this game and I almost quit in the jetski part. It was kinda aggravating playing it cuz the camera angles were so weird. But hand to hand combat was kinda cooler than 2 3 and 4 tbh.

I got this game for free on the ps plus subscription and I rlly enjoyed playing jt on the ps5. But I have played lost legacy and theifs end on ps4 before as their own separate games and they were much better. I found this version was kinda laggy and cutscenes would glitch alot. Also the shooting system was a bit annoying in this game

One of my fav games. After this I spiraled into a batman and dc obsession 😭 but anyways combat was amazing traversal was easy and the story was AMAZINNGGGGGG idk how this doesn't have only 5 star reviews I loved it sm.

I bought this game when it first came out but I just feel like it's kinda week ? Combat wasn't that engaging tbh and story was overall pretty normal. The concept of the game was cool and I liked the side quests and characters. But I haven't finished it yet so this rating doesn't rlly count

Such a fun game. This game got me into the whole re franchise but after playing almost all re games i still think this is close to the best. Its just so fun and the story is pretty engaging. Combat was also rlly fun and graphics were good


10/10. Cried multiple times. Loved it sm !!!

Sooooooooooooooo fun. Combat and traversal was amazing and engaging, and so was the story.

Just omg. This game is a masterpiece. Cried sm. Ending was magnificent. Combat was amazing. Health system was amazing. Graphics were amazing. Just everything was amazing. Played through it 3 times and it's still my fav games even after 5 years. Like I fr don't know how to explain how good this game is