Best in the series in all aspect the story, soundtrack , gameplay, environment
The remake for this would be everything for the fans

This game is magic like
Atmospheric , artistic ,fast gameplay with wonderful music
Indie games can be dream like when they mix art with gameplay boss fights were amazing kinda repetitive but still enjoyable in this short game

My most regrets preorder ever
I don’t know how they made sifu after this but good for them that scale of improvement is everything they needed after this game
avoid this game I don’t think anyone is thinking about it to begin with
And go play sifu


Sometime I’m glad they didn’t make the full game for this it wouldn’t be as good

Nice story some good play through some boring ones the length was too much for me couldn’t stay focus on some play through due to repetitive scenes and repetitive music not a fan of the art style

This game shocked me with its outstanding artistic visual masterclass level design one of the best metrovenia I ever played in recent times although i kinda find the story difficult to understand plus I haven’t played the first one either so I didn’t pay much attention to it nevertheless didn’t effect my experience to this masterpiece of a game
The soundtrack is outstanding , best soundtrack I’ve heard this year in any game
The gameplay was fun challenging fast creative puzzle using weapons here and there and variety of options and items which make the gameplay much richer and fun
I wouldn’t call this a soul like game in anyway it has its own way of uniqueness and challenges , creative boss fights and again outstanding pixels visuals
One of the best indie games

Nice game creative , complicated , confusing puzzle that made me think how in the world they made this the way they did it’s such an incredible high level of creativity in term of linking puzzle and ideas to each other
the game is all about puzzle solving nothing else sometime it feels like it want more from your brain it’s weird and unique yet throughout the end all the puzzle felt like impossible and I didn’t get the satisfaction that I usually get when solving them
I enjoyed the game overall but some artistic aspects I didn’t like as much such as world designs and the almost nonexistent soundtrack I would recommend if you are someone who enjoy puzzles this game is surly for you

First of all I wanna point out this game is not for everyone now let’s begin
In stars and time is filled with moments it will stay with you for a little while it will make you think , smile and cry all together with its unique tale
there are few parts of the game that felt like I was playing something unique and close to being masterpiece but then it got dragged by its awfully long runtime and repetitive exploration elements
I do understand it’s a time loop game but still felt like half of the time I was bored repeating stuff even thought you would have an ability to fasten dialogue , now all the bad things out of the way let’s talk about the goodness
Because even though the runtime is long the game is still so charming and fun from the art style to fun battle system and an outstanding emotional story that’s deal with mental illness , friendships and few other subjects if you hang in there until the end you will be rewarded with a wonderful emotional story that might go deeper than you think
I love this kind of game that’s inspired by undertale but here I felt it’s more of a visual novel meet undertale specially with the runtime 20h plus at least for me it actually give you a space to understand each character and they are all well written fun and interesting
The story paths and loops are interesting the concept of the time loop usually can be boring but they did it brilliantly here minus the runtime
the development of each character are outstanding you will love each and every one of them
Overall nice little game with a wonderful story and charming characters for whoever have patience and time to spend and can tolerate repetitive exploration and loops

Nothing new
Repetitive boring
Glitches and bug everywhere
Best thing about it that’s it’s short

I got bored so many time trying to play it couldn’t even get throw half of the game

Boring , basic ,I think this might be the worst sonic I played they clearly wanted easy money with basic games I wish they learn few things from indie developers how to make platform games


Pages pages and more pages

Charming little game with a soul of classic games
Definitely difficult and challenging at times
So many hidden mystery im yet to solve I got stuck so many times but the world is so beautifully created I found myself exploring and trying so many different things
overall I enjoyed it so much and I’m glad it came out to the PlayStation plus such a nice creative indie game

nice indie puzzle challenging metrovenia rich with its culture and simple with its gameplay enjoyable and interesting in parts it has its moment I like it when developers implement their culture into video games it gives you deferent perspective in deferent kind of ways

Nice metrovenia with great puzzles
Short and fun sometimes but easy forgettable

Remnant 2 is surprisingly an outstanding game
This is game of the year contender for me and this is coming from a person who doesn’t play multiplayer game often the amazing atmosphere which you can see the inspiration they took from returnal with an addictive and challenging gameplay not even dull moment and high level of entertaining gameplay with friends
The soundtrack is gorgeous and level design monster design are outstanding and epic remarkable boss fights that blow me away with the creativity and strategic
This game made me rethink of my thoughts of multiplayer games I’m in if anything like this ever released again
Few tech issue here and there but nothing can ruined an experience of this iconic game