Outstanding presentation
Unique gameplay
Brilliant story
A game that feels like a classic game while playing
This game is one of the best out there and the best PS5 game until now never though I would enjoy a game this challenging this much I’m glad people start appreciating this game more and more it deserves it all

Is such a weird masterpiece
This metrovenia is filed with mystery in each room each corner it’s marvelous in every possible way charming Pixel art and crazy outstanding puzzle

you are lost with no clue nothing to give you a hint an anyway no words nothing in this scary gloomy beautiful world of mystery this is a new metrovenia take a lot of people will feel lost a lot of time but actually you are never lost thats the beauty of it
You keep looking for clue everywhere every corner in each room and trying to use whatever items you have and the moment you unlocked something you will get the sense of satisfaction you craved for

there is no right or wrong way to move and explore the world
The level design is in another level

Overall it’s beautiful niche puzzle game that keep you in your toes all the time it might not be a game for everyone but if you get into it you will be rewarded with such a remarkable charming little game that will be remembered

Sea of start is wonderful game that make us travel back to an RPG era that a lot of RPG fans love and treasured
The gameplay is mixed with an outstanding puzzle solving and strategic yet entertaining balanced and enjoyable battle system
the different between each character is remarked and fun
The story some part were amazing with amazing twists throughout the game
and some part felt rushed and basic specially the true ending was not satisfied with it completely it’s good but not the impactful I was hopping for
The outstanding soundtrack lift this game to another level the atmosphere and art design are outstanding I do have have few other things I didn’t like but it might fall out under spoiler overall this is a must for RPG fans

Best Nintendo switch game
playing an open world game was never as fun and engaging as this
such an amazing details and magnificent gameplay that no one can do it like Nintendo
Story was amazing and I felt like it’s the first time I was so deeply invested with a Zelda story great job
And all of this can only be played with a basic handheld as switch
it’s definitely an achievement


It was nice concept and was enjoyable for the first 30 minutes but then just keep repeating itself with its boring environment and blank story telling with average puzzles through the game

Bomberman r 2
Such a messed opportunity to what could have been an outstanding multiplayer game only if it was free
Don’t get me wrong it’s still as fun as it used to be and I’m still enjoying the online and having a blast with its outstanding soundtrack and lovable and known charterers from Konami’s iconic games
They addded unasked for story mood which is an ok but not required at all I wish if they just focus fully with its multiplayer and made it free it has all the elements to be successful Online game

First of all I’m not a fan of remedy Games specially not Allen wake 1
I refuse to call Allen wake 2 a sequel
It’s unique artistic scary like nothing you have ever seen before rich in story telling atmospheric and chilling
It’s one of the best looking game this generation and the scariest game I’ve ever played
But at the same time there are a lot of cheesy jump scares that for me was minus it keeping me in my edge that a lot of time I just close my ears and eyes which makes me miss a lot of things happening on the screne
Outstanding puzzle and very detailed story
The live action scene was good I appreciate the efforts and the art direction behind it but it’s not something I would like to see in games I find myself loose interest in the scenes and emotionally uninvested I rather see the scenes in the ingame graphic
Overall it’s an outstanding horror game and remady outdone themself with this masterclass of a game minus few things which couldn’t levitate the experience for me more

Timeless entertaining


Unique world with simple yet very complicated story
Indie game creativity at its best

Brilliant remake to a game I didn’t find appealing at that time,
but this one made me appreciate it more with a lot of changes that fits perfectly with the series vision now
what a great job CAPCOM are doing with the remakes hopefully code Veronica next
I would say this one is best remake ever made

It has some good moments
But overall couldn’t feel I was playing anything I enjoyed few thing here and there specially the visuals , art design,
good voice acting but felt flat until reaching to the end story

The only fighting game that all my friends play once we gathered
the series is always fun never disappoints

Sequel to an already outstanding game
Part 2 was Controversial Before it released
Noughty dog know what to do with game
they played with the players mind and emotions like no one
they told a real story with human emotions and characters you may and may not like but you felt their pain theirs anger their rage
The direction they took with the game was perfect and ended perfectly
The graphic was amazing I always forget I played this last gen the details was outstanding
Another masterpiece from Sony


I still remember I was amazed by this unique brilliant game
A tale of two souls connected without communication it was first of its kind never before attempted with its unique gameplay
Puzzle solving atmospheric world
First game created by gen design and still remain as unique as it used too
masterpiece from masterclass developer

Never thought I would be so addicted to a fighting game like this
Gameplay mechanic is so fun and easy with (modern )which I prepare and (classic) fight style
Art style is good I wasn’t a fan when I first played it but after a while I started loving it
The adventure mood i didn’t like not even a bit i find it boring
The soundtrack was disappointing there are few nice soundtrack but expected better than what we got
Overall amazing gameplay fun and Gerry entertaining to play specially online