Flash game with random ideas that doesn’t connect

Nice metrovenia with great puzzles
Short and fun sometimes but easy forgettable

nice indie puzzle challenging metrovenia rich with its culture and simple with its gameplay enjoyable and interesting in parts it has its moment I like it when developers implement their culture into video games it gives you deferent perspective in deferent kind of ways

Remnant 2 is surprisingly an outstanding game
This is game of the year contender for me and this is coming from a person who doesn’t play multiplayer game often the amazing atmosphere which you can see the inspiration they took from returnal with an addictive and challenging gameplay not even dull moment and high level of entertaining gameplay with friends
The soundtrack is gorgeous and level design monster design are outstanding and epic remarkable boss fights that blow me away with the creativity and strategic
This game made me rethink of my thoughts of multiplayer games I’m in if anything like this ever released again
Few tech issue here and there but nothing can ruined an experience of this iconic game

Brilliant remake to a game I didn’t find appealing at that time,
but this one made me appreciate it more with a lot of changes that fits perfectly with the series vision now
what a great job CAPCOM are doing with the remakes hopefully code Veronica next
I would say this one is best remake ever made

It has some good moments
But overall couldn’t feel I was playing anything I enjoyed few thing here and there specially the visuals , art design,
good voice acting but felt flat until reaching to the end story

Nice story some good play through some boring ones the length was too much for me couldn’t stay focus on some play through due to repetitive scenes and repetitive music not a fan of the art style

The only fighting game that all my friends play once we gathered
the series is always fun never disappoints

This game is magic like
Atmospheric , artistic ,fast gameplay with wonderful music
Indie games can be dream like when they mix art with gameplay boss fights were amazing kinda repetitive but still enjoyable in this short game


Unique world with simple yet very complicated story
Indie game creativity at its best

Never thought I would be so addicted to a fighting game like this
Gameplay mechanic is so fun and easy with (modern )which I prepare and (classic) fight style
Art style is good I wasn’t a fan when I first played it but after a while I started loving it
The adventure mood i didn’t like not even a bit i find it boring
The soundtrack was disappointing there are few nice soundtrack but expected better than what we got
Overall amazing gameplay fun and Gerry entertaining to play specially online


Sometime I’m glad they didn’t make the full game for this it wouldn’t be as good

Sequel to an already outstanding game
Part 2 was Controversial Before it released
Noughty dog know what to do with game
they played with the players mind and emotions like no one
they told a real story with human emotions and characters you may and may not like but you felt their pain theirs anger their rage
The direction they took with the game was perfect and ended perfectly
The graphic was amazing I always forget I played this last gen the details was outstanding
Another masterpiece from Sony


I still remember I was amazed by this unique brilliant game
A tale of two souls connected without communication it was first of its kind never before attempted with its unique gameplay
Puzzle solving atmospheric world
First game created by gen design and still remain as unique as it used too
masterpiece from masterclass developer

Nothing new
Repetitive boring
Glitches and bug everywhere
Best thing about it that’s it’s short