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NOWITSREYNTIME17 commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's review of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
@fizza you know what, I never noticed that third game point but I think you're right lmao. Also I definitely highly recommend the retro titles. Returns I'm honestly not the biggest fan of, it feels kinda like a rehash of 1 with its level themes and its ost being mostly remixed music from 1. Plus the motion controls can kind of be annoying sometimes (which is why I recommend the 3ds version). Tropical Freeze tho is fantastic and is my 2nd favorite DKC game. It's kinda similar to DKC2 where the level themes are more distinct and unique. It also has a lot more non-remix music and the songs it does remix are mostly from 2 so that's a win in my book lol.

35 mins ago

40 mins ago

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