I'm always matched up with terrible-ass teammates in ranked.

The worst Mario Party. But at least it tried to introduce fun mechanics. But yea, fuck this game.

Shoutout to everyone who played this on PS2.

The gameplay mechanics are cool and whatnot but the story is pretty lame, not to mention it all ends up being pointless, overall if you want to play the new mechanics then play it, if you want the story just watch a YouTube video.

Not to mention it's day 1 dlc

Out of all the 15 sextillion generic FPSes out there…

why this one?

idk man it’s fun but just isn’t my thing

It's like Riddle School but better

Best game of the original series and possibly the franchise as whole, Viz is such a good villain imo

I have a fun drinking game: Take a shot every time someone makes a David Cage joke. Actually don't you'd die.

what an original idea, a wwii shooter

More Riddle School except we're escaping the FBI this time, pretty neat