Playing on pc through game pass. I was enjoying it, WAS. I played for 7 hours straight, i save quite frequently as I have OCD and i have boss achievements all the way to the end. I came back after errands and my save was 7 hours prior. Completely gone. Found people who have encountered the same bug, no thanks.

I actually enjoyed this more than I thought. I assumed because its’ demo was slightly janky that it would be rough. What I found was a game that wasn’t entirely sure what it wanted to be, but the parrying/counter high defense system wasn’t bad. When all the counters worked for me, it was awesome to slide in and out of enemies whole flipping and slashing. The world was fun to explore and the fishing mini game is one of the best I’ve played in a long time. The story isn’t anything special but it was worth focusing on. Eve also isn’t bad to look at; a lot of her outfits are well designed even if they are overly fan servicey (not complaining).

Pretty interesting and well made game. I love games that have scp, anomaly, control type of lore and entities. I drove with no doors to make the process more streamlined and maybe that wasn’t the best thing for radiation, but it was sick.

I wanted to wait until I completed the Plat on this. Finally finishing it 100%, I can say this remake is easily the best remake ever made. But some things such as exposition and the ending dont stick the landing. I loved every second of this game, especially the insane combat this time around. Materia is more powerful than ever. Hopefully in part 3, 10 round brutal challenges and numerous minigames dont show their face again. Also, tifa bathing suit.

An amazing Yakuza game and one of the best. The jrpg and job system is perfectly executed. Ichiban and Kiryu are some of the best protagonists anyone could ask for. The addition of the Animal Crossing like mode is great and I didn’t expect it to be as cool as it is. It is a bit grindy but its’ completely optional. I’m already frothing at the mouth waiting for the next game. I need to know what’s next for all of the characters!!!!!! There are too many of their stories that I’m invested in.


I rented this off redbox and beat it in one night. The elevator at the end of the game wouldn’t load and then ny xbox redringed. I had to use the towel trick to turn it on and it made the elevator load.

I only play this game when im at olive garden.

Three things needed for you to enjoy this game.
1. have time
2. boredom
3. Suburban white woman

This game was honestly a tech demo for them. Thankfully I played on gamepass and didn’t spend anything. The slutty vending machine and ballerina bots were the only good things.

It was okay. Nothing too crazy. The dual story protagonists was a cool choice. Story fell apart near the end. The dual attacks with your party members were awesome, really showed how different everyone was. Monster designs were pretty sweet.

I personally really enjoyed it. Transformation scene getting its’ own anime song that plays everytime is great. The gameplay is a bit repetitive, the actual comboing is pretty cool tho and the ending is extreme sequel bait but I won’t be mad if I have to wait for it. Also collecting cats is cool.

Terrifying to play as zeon and hear amuro coming for my soul.

Clunky but fun to relive mobile suit gundam. I was too young to fully understand everything I was doing but I did enough for it to get me through. Loved using the spiked ball and chain.