Very cool, played it in my childhood and it is a good game.

Pros: tem o Michael, dá pra andar pra trás

Contra: Tem o vilão

Excellent game, it talks about abstract concepts in a smart and interesting way. I liked the characters and how the story unfolded for me.

What makes us alive? a soul? the will to think? a human heart? emotions?

Think about that.

It's not that bad, just didn't age well.

When I played this at the launch, I didn't like it.

It was nothing with the game, really, I just felt tricked by the marketing that sold us a lie, presenting trailers with scenes that aren't in the game.

But as the time passed and I digested the story and the experience overall, I slowly began to love this game. So now I played it again, and wow, this game is a masterpiece.

Putting the fake marketing aside, a coward decision in my opinion, this is a very bold game, for a game with this much money in it they choose a type of story that isn't for everyone, it remembered me of Cowboy Bebop, one of my favorite anime.

It isn't a story about the jorney of some hero, the redemption of some villain, or anything like that. It's a mature story about human problems, traumas, shadows of the past and much more.

I won't spoil you experience telling the story, just now that it isn't a cheap dose of dopamine to make you happy, sometimes this is a slap in the face, sometimes you wont agree with the character choices (since they are human and make mistakes), sometimes you will be shocked and sad, but that makes it special, you learn more about yourself and reflect on things as you progress.

Story aside, the gameplay is nothing special, don't get me wrong, it is fun and the things that are in it are well made, the enemies are smart and try to surrond you, the damage is localized so you can shoot someone in the legs to make him fall and die in one meele attack, but it's like a TLOU1 revised, nothing that Metal Gear, Splinter Cell or Tenchu didn't do many years before, you still cant "freeze" or interrogate the enemies, you can't craft a grappling hook to choose a safer path, you can't shoot lights to create a darker place to hide etc.. The new things that I noticed are the new weapons, the prone movement, the AC like aerial assassination, the fact that you can make a clicker (It only works with clickers for some reason) bite someone you hold and some other things.

Here is a gameplay that I made to demonstrate some of these:

Sound design is top notch, the ambience is perfect (you can see how rain, sun and other things affected the enviroment over the years, and every room is unique with a lot of personality, making it fun to explore), the facial expression technology is awsome, the animations are the best i've ever seen.

Masterpiece, see you space cowboy.

Excellent horror game, the story is good, the design of the monsters and the nowhere world is awsome, the music is good.

Hammer is op, loved it.

Pros: You can kick a child, you can be Bates (or Sho) and you can shoot.

Cons: Everything, specially the last chapter.

PS: Fire extinguisher is op, always needed to change floors just to get to it, boring af

Played in 2024, didn't age well

you just spam special inputs until you finish the game, because they do a LOT of damage.

You should play it if you like the series, but it isn't special.

The combat could be better, but the FGs were starting when this game out, so i will give it a discount.

What made me beat this game with all the 3 characters was that, they tried to tell a good story and make some kind of campaign in a fighting game, and that captivated me, learning new moves as the fights go on, Geeze bossfight in the end and the journey of vengeance got me into it, I really like the characters too, Terry is so cool that he even got int o Smash Bros and Yori didn't!


To me, this game is another Ubisoft title (I know that Sucker Punch made it) but with more care and a true combat, the game looks like a painting sometimes, really beautiful, especially if you change the hud options.

The combat is cool too, coming from fighting games and DMC, it's not very complicated but is fun to play, with good parry and dodge mechanics.

But what brings the game down to me is the campaign and the sidequests, aside from the mitical quests, everything is boring, the characters aren't that deep (except for Ishikawa, he is very well written), their relationships aren't developed very well and the missions aren't that interesting, always something like go there and fight, infiltrate that place or follow that guy, even when Jin has to face his changes nothing really have plot weight, it had so much potential but it was lost in safer, cheaper choices to be an acessible AAA game, to me it seems like the story and sidequests are there just to be a background, but that's just my opinion tho, feel free to disagree.

Metal Gear?

Solid start to the series.

I don't like the game that much now, but I remember having fun when I played it (I even got the platinum trophy)

Didn't think i would love so much a eroge game, eager to play the other ones.

I prefer the original one because of the level of care put into it, but it isn't a bad game.