7 reviews liked by Alber1357

A great premise that shows its cards too soon and then it has little to offer. Getting all the endings and the meta aspect isn't as interesting as the game thinks it is and the ultimate payoff is practically non existent.

Even then, it's a good game only for its highlights that can give great moments.

El juego más moralmente asqueroso que se ha hecho jamás. Trampa para incautos, adormecedor para perezosos, aturdidor para inquietos. Un dragón con piel de cordero que quiere hacernos creer que el videojuego nunca se bastará por sí solo.


The most morally repugnant game ever made. A trap for the unwary, numbing for those who are lazy, stupefying for those who want to change things. A dragon disguised in a cute lamb's skin that wants to make us believe videogames will never be good enough.

Muy entretenido, la verdad. Los mundos de Fighting Fantasy y Sorcery! siempre han permanecido apartados de las conversaciones en torno a videojuegos, pero su importancia histórica como antecesores del tipo de diálogo complicado que juegos más caros y chupa-cámaras se vanaglorian de innovar los hace inmortales. Al igual que sucediera en Baldur's Gate, la lenta pero constante progresión de dificultad, sumada a la libertad que se te ofrece para tomar una ruta, conseguir unos objetos u otros, y en general adoptar una actitud u otra ante el mundo de Titan, hacen de éste un lugar mucho más misterioso e insondable que incontables mundos abiertos desesperados por enseñarte todas las esquinas de su mapa.


A highly entertaining game, indeed. The worlds of Fighting Fantasy and Sorcery! have always remained apart in conversations around videogames, but their historical importance as predecessors for dialogue-based gaming that more expensive and attention seeking games boast around proves their eternal value. As with Baldur's Gate, the slow but steady progression of difficulty, coupled with the freedom you're given to take a route, get some items or others, and generally adopt whatever action you wish in the world of Titan, makes this setting far more mysterious and wondrous than countless desperate open worlds.

I, too, think Le Samourai is a very cool movie.
Same deal as The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa (very funny title, the selfsame Eddie Coyle is also a very cool movie) - don't think I'd ever touch this again, but I appreciate the experience even if it's dull as all hell, however purposefully. Not sure why the intentional drudgery of this is preferable to me over the same in a Suda game or whatever - maybe because yeo's stuff is overtly about pure ennui (relatable!), or maybe because it takes ~1000th of the time to get through. Anyway watching Le Cercle Rouge on the big screen five times a day to drown out the silence sounds good to me, I dunno what the hitman in this is bothered about.

crack tigre máquina mastodonte murciélago hacha genio figura creador de mitos leyenda dandy torero cefalópodo

Es que me cago en mi putisima madre tremendo juegardo dios mio menuda pasada dios increible


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