55 reviews liked by Alcor_B

i havent played this because the disclaimer screen told me to "Resist bad games." and i always do as i'm told so i closed the game window

I'll finish this game in 90 seconds.

I got my copy of Pet Alien at the pharmacy many years ago. This is a puzzle game where you go around and collect gems and break blocks and shit. One of those games where there's probably a murder confession in the coding somewhere. The craziest plot twist is that Pet Alien was actually a real TV show that had like 50 episodes

Every other day i wake up to a tweet going like “My uncle who lives in Korea saw Kim Jihoon eating babies outside the local gas station” and then the replies are all like “god…this goes against the themes of ruina…when roland said not to eat the baby…fuck”

Kondo's trick proves to once again be unbeatable with what's probably Falcom's most polished game to date.

Every single second of this game is the most insane fast paced fun. All the other times they reinvented the gameplay system the first entry felt very weak to me but X busted through the door with full power and full fun. Only real issue gameplaywise i had was boss healthbars felt a bit too inflated at times.

The exploration in this game is probably the best part about it. Just cruising through areas with the hoverboard or using the hook for swinging simply filled me with unmeasurable joy.

The story is also very great for what it tries to do. There wasnt a time where I felt bored or thought it was meaningless and there was a good amount of great moments for all of the main characters sprinkled into it. The "cast of misfits" that you collect during your adventure wasnt as unique as IX's but it was still a fun ensemble nonetheless especially with the main group.

The side content is basically the exactly same as VIII and IX so I dont have much to comment on that.

The presentation for the game is very good for the limits that it got burdened by from being on the Switch aswell. None of the areas looked ugly. The music was also very good for being a modern Falcom OST. Every single area and event theme was basically perfect with the few weaker tracks being mainly boss ones.

TLDR: I absolutely loved this game and i cant wait to see where they go next with Ys or whatever other non Kiseki title they are working on

This is it... PEAK FUCKING FICTION... yes, that's right. The game that SHATTERS reality with its rawness, the game that SAVES LIVES with its peakness. Zenith of the medium, they say. The apogee of creativity even. The PINNACLE of innovation. The GOAT, RAW, FIRE, PEAK. Nothing will ever top it. Nothing will ever even get near it.


The black panther for dudes who literally get no bitches and stack zero paper

Peak video games. Perfect end to a long running series. A love letter to RPGs and the history of Alicesoft. Not only is the story compelling, but the gameplay also manages to be possibly the most fun in the entire series, with near endless replay value. A special series that needs to be experienced to witness this grand conclusion.

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