Congratulations to Kuro Game for discovering the cure for Insomnia

I am retiring the phrase "peak fiction"

I do not believe I will ever experience peak fiction again
everything else I play from now on will be rated on a scale of
mid fiction to good-but-not-peak fiction

Nihon Falcom's JRPG The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki was unequivocal, undeniable proof that mankind as a collective species has triumphed over God. It is a literary masterpiece with no flaws whatsoever. I would have five hours of sweaty, rigorous sex with the protagonist Van Arkride. I would raise one hundred billion dollars and hand-deliver it to the palms of his hands, all while licking his balls. If he were to get an incurable disease I would singlehandedly develop a cure for it and use it only on him. I would reanimate the corpse of one of his beloved dead relatives. All of this wouldn't even begin to show my love for him for his part in creating this Michelangelo-level piece of art.

I have played Kuro over 50 times. I know every line and scene down to the last detail. If I was asked to reenact the entire 100 hour long journey I could do it with flawless detail and precision. Once my physical version of Kuro no Kiseki arrives I will have sex with it. You cannot stop me.

It doesn't advance the overarching story much but outside of that it's nothing but gas. The character writing is still really strong and the returning characters like Swin and Nadia are treated really well and are implemented in a way that doesn't feel like pandering or fanservice.

In terms of gameplay they pretty much fixed my only complaints with Kuro 1, S-Crafts now have cooldown so you can't constantly spam them, the AT bar actually makes sense and you can steal turn order bonuses again and boss fights from my experience aren't completely braindead easy on Nightmare difficulty anymore. Also has what is probably the rawest final boss in the series.

If Haku has a million fans I am one of them.
If Haku has ten fans I am one of them.
If Haku has one fan then that is me.
If Haku has no fans then I am no longer on this earth.
If the world is against Haku I am against the world.
I love Haku until my last breath.

Playing the game in early access and getting story content consistently every week might have been the most fun I've ever had in my life, masterpiece of a game.

That last bit with Zenos carried so hard

Everytime I see a DVD Screensaver now I suffer from PTSD flashbacks.