Favorite FPS Games

a discord server was having this discussion but I didn't see it until much later so instead I am posting here because I just need to get the thoughts out of my head, y'know

I got this at launch and put a hot 'n' heavy eighty or so hours into it before I burned out on it. The shooting and movement just feel so good! And it's got some incredible style to it!! Big shoutouts to the art team at Bungie, y'all are killing it. It's too bad about literally everything else about the game tho.
Hot damn this game infected my brain in a way few others do. It feels great to play and also has characters that I adore. Ultimately I've quit playing multiple times because I'm not terribly competitive and battlepasses are hell and also solo queue is double extra hell.
When I was in college I got, like, hyper-depressed and played this game waaaaaay too much. It's so damn good. And such a damn good way of distracted yourself from the horrors of real life! It was a real "skip all my classes and play for fourteen hours a day" type of game for me.
it is funny to me that in trying to make a list of my favorite first person shooters, I include a game in which I try to do as little shooting as possible in literally every playthrough I've ever done
I love that they tried something weird and different with Halo and while I don't think it entirely works it does mean that I really admire this game. I wish established series would get experimental more often! Make your shooters have quiet noir-y jazz-y sections, you cowards!
Combat Evolved is one of the few games that I keep installed on my computer just in case I want to go back and play through because it's just so damn good. It's an absolute classic.
I know most people would probably go for 2 over 1 but I have fonder and stronger memories of this one? I've been meaning to replay this series so maybe my feelings on it would change but, for now at least, I prefer the first to the second. (I've never actually played Death of the Outsider and I hear that one is actually secretly the best of the bunch)
While I'm not as high on Prey as a lot of people are, this game still kicks ass. It's just some real cool shit!! Prey good, Arkane good.
fun fact: Portal is the first game I got on Steam because I registered an account because Portal was being given away as a promotion to get more people on Steam in like 2008 or whatever. And I found out about that promotion because of a forum post on the Guild Wars forum my guild posted on (shoutouts to GWOnline, you were formative for teenage me and probably terrible for me)
Titanfall 2 bangs, holy shit, it's so good, instantly in conversation for one of the best shooter campaigns ever, right? it's gotta be. Press button to time travel! The SERE Kit! BT-7274!!! impeccable


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