Yakuza Games Ranked Based On Their Version(s) of 'Receive You'

it's really fucked up that Yakuza 6 doesn't have a version of Receive You

(I'm pretty sure this is all of them, accurate tracklists for some of these are surprisingly hard to find, OG1+2 especially)

Receive and Turn You
Receive You Ver.7

These both go incredibly hard. I'm not usually huge on the more dubstep-y sort of soundtracks but something about LAD's is magical and makes me love it.
Receive You - The Prototype Mix - better than the OG2 version of Prototype by a wide margin.

Receive You The Madtype - this version absolutely slaps
Receive You The Madtype - this is the most average and unremarkable version on this entire list.

Receive You Reborn - I Do Not like the vocalist in this version
Receive And Slash You - this slaps
Receive And Bite You - genuinely vile version of the song. atrocious.

Receive You The Ballad - i'm just not a fan of slow ballad covers of songs is all
Receive And Stab You - This track absolutely rips
Receive You The Prototype - Banger
Receive You ~Remix Version Y1&2 HD~ - it's like the original version but worse. doesn't have any other extra versions to help it place higher like Y1 does, though.
Receive You ~Tech Trance Arrange~ - incredible banger

Receive You The Subtype - pretty weak version which drags 0's overall ranking down farther than I had hoped
Receive You - The OG

Receive You ~Remix Version~ - A slightly better version of The OG because it's got that good bass.
Receive You TSU-N-DE - the weakest of the electronic versions
Receive And Doubt You
Receive You The Archetype

These both mix in a lot of traditional instruments with modern electric guitars and drums and it's an incredible combination that works better than you could possibly imagine. The whole soundtrack is like this and it rules.
Receive You ~North Star~ - "metal version of video game song" is a fun genre of youtube video but I don't think it's actually good music to listen to. It's fine, I guess.

Receive You Piano - It's just kinda boring. Largely apathetic on this one.

1 Comment

1 year ago

"Receive You The Prototype" was in Y1 first but they reused it for 2

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