176 Reviews liked by AlexanderZ640

After hearing the news that the 3DS/Wii U's online services were shutting down, the first thing that popped in my head was replaying this game's online one last time.

Back in 2015, I remember seeing the trailer for this game and thinking it looked really cool. I never played an online shooter in my life, but this one actually interested me with its colorful art style and interesting concept. The day of release, I ask my dad if he could pick the game up on his way from work and when he came home, not only did he have the game..he had an Inkling Boy amiibo as well. That basically kickstarted my Amiibo addiction around that time but that's a story for another time. Anyways, I ended up enjoying Splatoon a ton. I remember the day after I got it, I had a relatives party to go to and I could only think about playing this game. This game consumed my whole summer, I loved it so much. Playing every Splatfest, seeing every update as they roll out, I was hooked for a couple months. Part of that is because I had no school of course, because once September arrived I didn't play this game nearly as much as before. Still, May-August 2015 was the summer of Splatoon and I'll never forget it.

Anyways, time to actually review the game lol. I think the most striking aspect is just how stylish this game is. From the different outfits you can wear, to the more experimental soundtrack, to the unique art styles that appear in the sunken scrolls. I've seen people compare this game to Jet Set Radio cuz of it's sort of counter culture type attitude and ofc its stylishness and appeal to the younger demographic and I can totally see it. It can be really influential playing this as a young lad, and it certainly worked for me.

Speaking of the music, I've seen some individuals on this site specifically call it bad and I just don't see it. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea but the OST is really well done honestly. Splattack! is of course a classic and Ink Me Up brings me right back to participating in Splatfests all day. Those are my two favorites but the whole OST is great. I think Splatoon 2 is great and all and probably the objectively better game, but if there's anything I prefer more in 1, its the soundtrack.

The meat and potatoes of this game however is it's online matches. This game doesn't have as much content or modes as 2 (and god it was pretty barebones at launch I'll admit that) but it's still a ton of fun to play a match or two. I was able to play a couple turf war and ranked matches and they were still fun. I remember raging so hard whenever I would lose on ranked matches, I had issues lol. Still, I wish Urchin Underpass and Saltspray Rig were in future games, I miss em lol. Sadly couldn't play them during this last play session but I remember they were some of my favorites.

I did also replay the campaign, and it's still fun as it was back then. Sure, it's no octo expansion and probably worse than 2's, but I always enjoyed it personally. I don't know if it's weird to say but I kinda get Mario Galaxy vibes from it. Just going from section to section using the launchpads and seeing the really cool backgrounds in each level. Always got that vibe. It does get a bit formulaic having every 5th and 6th level be the same level type, however overall, I really enjoyed the single player. At least you can still play that even with the online off.

This game may have been a bit obsolete in the eyes of a lot of people once 2 and eventually 3 came out. However, 2 I never got into nearly as much so my memories of 1 really outshine it. It's not perfect but this game will always hold a special place in my heart and is one of the first things I think of when the year 2015 is brought up. Rest In Piece Splatoon 1 online and the 3DS/Wii U online in general, I loved you dearly.

This review contains spoilers

Rest in peace Akira Toriyama 💚

Dragon Quest 8 is about as pure of an adventure as you can get and I loved just about every moment of its main story and side content. After beating 11 and now this i'm developing a stronger appreciation for what dragon quest is all about and I feel like i've come around on it massively. At a point I was treating dragon quest 11 like other jrpgs i've come to know and love, this is the series that established so many of its trends after all, but in doing so I feel like I was critiquing it unfairly and overlooking the things that made it really special (which is why I deleted my DQ11 review and reevaluated its score)

The gameplay has evolved from those trends at a, shall we say, 'leisurely' pace; but I think that's what a lot of people love about it and part of why its so popular, you always know what you're getting and fans have actually fought against it to change - see dragon quest 9’s departure from its original action rpg direction and subsequent return to traditional turn-based combat in response to fan backlash. There’s been experimentation, new additions and quality of life changes but the fundamentals have never really changed all that much and if it isn’t broke, why fix it right? It will always sell like wildfire, but for good reason, there’s something about this familiar and homely approach to game design, sure you can pick it apart but if it didn’t work at its core and wasn’t fun, it simply would not have stuck around for as long as it has. Granted the original on the ps2 had random encounters and i’m glad to see those go in favour of visible overworld monsters, a totally meaningful change which is becoming the new norm - infact it always felt like the intention even way back when I was playing pokemon yellow (random encounters felt like a means to an end, a technical shortcut used to ‘simulate’ bumping into monsters on the road during your adventure by low memory, primitive console hardware). Basically what i’m saying is i’m glad some things like that have adapted over the years for something that I feel is better, but the template has not changed and there’s something comforting in that.

Comforting is what playing Dragon Quest 8 is on all levels really, even in its melancholic, dramatic and more tense moments, it exists in a fairytale-like universe where you know the heroes are going to win in the end and everyone will live happily ever after. Its not the destination that matters, it is the journey, the friends you make, the places you see and the memorable enemies and rivals you face along the way - simultaneously getting ever stronger and more confident as you go. These games are bedtime stories that you are literally thrust inside of and can take control of and its wonderful; at their best its like the game equivalent of being at home, on a soft chair, wrapped in a blanket with a hot drink in hand (I can also confirm that this is probably the best way to play them if you’re able). I came out of DQ11 enjoying my time but happy to see it finally come to an end, but then in DQ8 I truly fell in love.

Tonally I think DQ8 nails it, from the very beginning it is established that you are a guard to King Trode along with your pal Yangus and need to remove a curse from him and his daughter, princess Medea, which turned them into a monster and a horse respectively. This simple motivation extends to the entire rest of the game and there’s beauty in that simplicity, it never steers too far from its focus and I felt actively involved in the characters’ dilemma, rather than just some guy along for the ride. I love being bossed around by Trode and find him and Yangus consistently hilarious and lovable. Yangus in particularly is just the best isn’t he, just the most loyal bri’ish bloke I ever met, he’d have your back in a pub fight any day of the week and he carried me hard for the entire game, nothing on this planet could stop a max psyched and oomphed yangus.
Throughout the entire game I never got bored of its antics, narrative arcs and wacky characters with ludicrously over the top voice acting. I love love love its goofy voices and exaggerated accents, how can you not find it incessantly charming, the english VAs go above and beyond (though sometimes there’s something dire like Dominico or Rhapthorne’s first form, what the fuck were they thinking honestly, hilarious though).

Two things that stand out above all the rest and truly made this experience for me are its art and its soundtrack. Sadly both Akira Toriyama, the lead artist and Kuichi Sogiyama, the composer, have passed away now and I dedicate this to them, the future of this series and jrpgs in general owe so much to them both and thank you for delivering such outstanding work! The character (and monster) designs of dragon quest are outstanding but few of its characters are so colourful and full of personality as we see in DQ8, along with my favourite hero design in the entire franchise. The expressive models and brilliantly composed cutscenes do the designs so much justice and create some great scenes ranging from hysterical slapstick antics to this gripping, palpable melancholy. All this heightened by what is now one of my favourite soundtracks ever. DQ8’s soundtrack is beautiful and captures the ‘vibe’ of every sequence perfectly. Every mood it seems to try and convey is done masterfully and drives this consistent feeling of adventure, mystery, and longing. It can be dramatic or it can be soft and ambient, but its never boring, it never fades into the background, it is always there heightening every emotion the game wants to deliver and that’s something only the best soundtracks do. The smooth and soft violins make up a lot of this ost and they are intoxicating, sweeping over and wrapping around everything else.

Its hard to even pick a favourite moment in DQ8 and in this sense it kind of reminded me of ocarina of time, which similarly has these consistent highs where each storyline is as interesting and enjoyable as the last but the overarching tone always stays the same and this sense of familiarity never truly goes away. Not to mention the world itself is really pretty and fun to explore, the 3ds version is among the best looking games on the system I think. The towns and settlements feel like real places and their individuality shines, I particularly loved exploring castle trodain whilst it is under the curse, the melancholic atmosphere is top notch here and the best track in the game plays here aswell, only making it better. The final dungeon is also a total maze and I really enjoyed it, especially the part where you solve a puzzle by circling what looks like a small town which becomes progressively more cursed and ramshackled with each lap. Something that particularly stood out to me were the personal moments like hearing Medea speak to you in your sleep which I adored, the flashback sequence with Medea meeting the hero and looking after him and helping a king to overcome the trauma of losing his wife.

My only real complaints / criticisms are the incessant metal slime grinding needed to defeat that insane final boss and the sheer amount of randomness that involves as well as the creepy treatment / objectification of some female characters like Jessica, it feels out of place and uncomfortable and should go away. I don’t care for metal slimes in general and don’t see why they exist as a ‘mechanic’ or whatever, the fact they can be worth anywhere between 2x and like, 200x as much XP as what most regular monsters give is so unnecessary. I mean having some monsters be worth a fair bit more xp is fine but the difference is astronomical and this is the only real way to grind without wasting dozens of hours of your precious time and yet it involves so much randomness. A level of randomness is acceptable but there’s randomness to even find metal slimes in the first place because they’re pretty rare (at least you don’t have to find them in random encounters here thank god). After that there’s randomness in whether or not the slime will just flee immediately and there’s even more randomness in trying to get a critical hit to kill them, that’s multiple levels of random and if you get unlucky in any one of them it is frustrating as fuck! Again this wouldn’t matter so much if metal slime hunting wasn’t the fastest and most optimal way to grind XP since they are worth such a ludicrous amount more than regular enemies.

Without those things I think this would be 5 stars honestly, I enjoyed it so much. This game is just delightful, endlessly charming, warm, comforting and so endearing and silly. Its nice to delve into something that isn’t complex or witty or groundbreaking, it is just plain, simple, joyful fun. By the end credits I was smiling with goosebumps as the overture played on the main menu screen, *Keanu voice: yeah i’m thinking i’m dragon quest fan.

Después de unos cuantos Dragon Quest a la espalda y cierta reticencia a JRPGs tradicionales (cuando no arcaicos) y a historias sencillas de viaje del héroe, no me esperaba encontrar en Dragon Quest VIII una aventura tan épica que a ratos parece que se sale de la consola.

La banda sonora es una maravilla, el gameplay está tan refinado que da gloria jugarlo, la historia seguramente no inventaba la rueda ni en 2004 pero a mí me ha parecido apasionante porque es lo que necesitaba vivir: una gran aventura en la que empiezas a nivel 1 y acabas salvando el mundo.

Es verdad que los gráficos seguramente sufren respecto a PS2 y entiendo que es un juego para vivirlo en la pantalla más grande posible, pero he podido llevarlo conmigo a muchas partes y los avances en QoL (las batallas aceleradas principalmente) creo que compensan de sobra.

Me ha dado una pena infinita terminarlo, pero ahora puedo acordarme con mucho cariño de Yangus diciendo "¡Ay, madre!" cada vez que el rey Trode se cuela en alguna escena <3

"I wish we had a pokemon game in 3D finally!"

A finger curls on the monkey's paw

embrace the cringe and enjoy life

tal vez si esto lo hubiera jugado hace una década hubiera sido uno de los juegos a los que más horas le hubiera dedicado, junto a la saga MH, Lol o la misma saga de Pokemon, juegos a los cuales les he dedicado miles de horas a cada uno, lastimosamente a este punto ya la saga no me interesa como antes y tampoco la disfruto como cuando jugué a los juegos que abarca pokemmo en su momento.

a esta altura prefiero dedicarle mi tiempo jugar a otros juegos y dejar a Pokemon como un bonito recuerdo del pasado que sin él mi niñez hubiera sido más difícil de lo que de por sí fue y tampoco hubiera conocido a personas tanto en la vida real como por internet que influyeron en mi vida, pero solo eso, una etapa en mi vida que prefiero dejar en el pasado.

aun así considero que esta es la experiencia definitiva de la saga ya que agrega muchas cosas de calidad de vida y abarca la edad dorada de la saga (aunque por lo que veo no tiene BW2). creo que será de los únicos juegos que reseñe el cual no le dare una calificación.

keeps my autistic ass entertained

Mario Kart 64 junto al Smash 64 son los dos juegos a los cual más cariño y buenos recuerdos tengo de la 64 ya que fueron los juegos que más jugué con compas y vecinos en esa época, pero si tengo que elegir a mi juego favorito entonces ese sería Diddy Kong Racing. nunca probé su multi (ni siquiera sé si tenía), pero el modo historia era excelente y en lo jugable me gustaba mucho más que el MK64.

no es un secreto que la gen que menos me atrae es la de la 64 y PSX y por eso mismo luego de los 2000 nunca volví ni me intereso tocar algún juego de esas consolas, pero luego recuerdo a Diddy Kong Racing y me hace pensar en que debo de darle una oportunidad al catálogo de esta generación ya que si rebusco es probable que encuentre algo que me interese, pero solo es un pensamiento... dudo que en algún momento juegue o haga una review de algún juego de esta generación...

Sorprendentemente Life's End es increible

Pense que iba a ser un Mod Meme pero no, es un juego con muchisimo trabajo y cariño por detras, y se nota

Tiene escenas muy bien logradas, una ambientacion unica, un monton de rarezas pero que lo hacen unico, dios mio, la escena del sueño es muy buena

Si algo tengo que criticar es que en varias partes no sabia que tenia que hacer, osea, literalmente era imposible que supiera que tenia que hacer a la primera, en una de las ocasiones tuve que buscar un video para descubrir que habia una caja entre tantas cajas que se podia mover

Un muy buen mod y que me encanto excepto por lo ultimo que dije

This game being lost media is my 9/11

Nintendo was a coward for not giving international Hatena servers for this one.