I think in hindsight, this game really did a lot of good. At the time, the disappointment around it in the gaming community was palpable, but despite that, I think Watch Dogs is a great open world action game. The story is solid and does a lot of cool things, Aiden as a protagonist is honestly really interesting and compelling, and the gameplay being a mix of stealth, hacking and gunplay is really responsive, satisfying, and offers that wish fulfillment of being a John Wick kinda character just wrecking goons. It's great fun. Give it a shot.

I played this game when I was like 12, and it blew my fucking mind. Looking back at it, it's a pretty wacky abridged game for the three Matrix movies. Though surprisingly, it adds a lot of extra bits that really make it fun to go through(fighting ants in a weird illusion scape? LIKE HUH?). It's gameplay is pretty jank but good fun, the shooting has jank lock on but it's still alright. I'd honestly play this for how insane it all is. If you're a fan, then that makes it better too.

One of the best anime fighting games ever. It's incredibly complex but is very simple to understand. The characters are all incredibly unique and fun to play(Akatsuki top tier imo), there's a great story there too, and a lot of modes to play around with. God this game is so much fun.

The Darkness had more heart than I was expecting from an FPS adaptation of a kinda bad comic. The shooting is alright but it feels different in a good way. You'd have to play it to get a feel for it, but I think the weight of shooting feels very realistic and adds to the seedy atmosphere of the game. The story is also really well done, it's got a lot of heart to it. Exploring the world is incredibly atmospheric and immersive too. Give this one a shot, it's great.

To me, The Darkness II does many things better than it's predecessor, but a lot of things wrong in comparison. The gunplay and general feel is definitely more arcadey, it feels more like a relatively fast paced FPS game with the Darkness to use for gory finishers and abilities. But the game sacrifices it's seedy, down to earth atmosphere and having less of a compelling story. I'd still give it a try if you liked the first one.

"Death at the gates again. Howling my name. Can't greet you today. I have a war to win."

The more I remember playing New Order, the more I really love it. It really captures the alternate history feeling of rebellion and oppression it espouses. With solid, very maneuver focused gunplay, fun stealth mechanics, a fantastic narrative with very memorable and lovable characters, along with hateful but effective villains, this one should satisfy the need to take down Nazis and experience a revolution.

Zestiria is a great case of what happens when a lot of great ideas come together, but just can't stick the landing. I do see the idea behind it: an anniversary title that both aims to advance the series, while also calling back to the very first game. Overall, it was a very fun time for me, I found it very charming, but there are some real issues with it. The battle system is still a ton of fun and has enough depth to satisfy, the equipment system is needlessly complex, and camera control during battles, especially in dungeons is quite bad. The narrative also doesn't especially hit all those high points, the characters are pretty great though. And the game just feels like it couldn't wrap it's systems and ideas together.

Still, if you're a fan, check it out, especially when playing in relation to Berseria.

"The Yakuza game, it's not like boxing. The man who gets beat down isn't the loser. The guy who can't tough it out to the end, he's the one who loses."

With this game, Yakuza finally hit it's resurgence in the west, and boy are we all happy for it. It's vibrant, decadent 1980's Japan setting, a funky, seedy feeling to it's world buried under excess and glamour. It's supplemented by a gripping crime narrative telling the origin stories of series mains Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima and an in depth and flexible beat em up combat sytem, as well as tons of side stories and great minigames. You should play this game by now. It's the absolute best way to begin the dive into this series, and I know for a damn fact you'll love it.

I feel as if I like this game more than most did. It doesn't reach the same heights as it's predecessor, but it really is a solid experience. The gameplay is much smoother and faster, though it does sacrifice the more strategic element New Order had. The story is...out there. It puts more focus on it's protagonist and his mindset with rebelling against Nazi fascism which is very compelling, but it isn't as prominent as I feel it should have been. Still great though. It's worth going through for the insanity it throws you into. I think the idea of the revolution going to Nazi occupied America is pretty cool, and the game does mix Americana culture, Nazi symbols, and the drug fueled counterculture to interesting effect, though I feel they don't utilize it enough. The characters that return are still great, the new ones I'm fairly mixed on, but they're still fun. Overall, I'd play this after New Order if you just want to see where the narrative goes.

I knew when I got into Danganronpa there was no going back and boy howdy was I right. These games are fun as hell.

This game made me cry what the hell.

I think this game sums up my feelings around 3D anime arena fighters in general: It's some fun novelty for the characters, artstyle and seeing moves from your favorite show done in cool 3D, but the depth of the mechanics really don't warrant a ton of playing of this game. Also there's no local multiplayer, only online, which is very silly. Eyes of Heaven, and really any kind of 3D anime fighter, is really meant for fans than most. The story mode for this game though is cracked and I kinda love it.

I think this game is excellent in it's updated form. A classic story of romantic horror wrapped in a delicious amount of Atlus game style. While the original version of the game certainly had content that did not age well(The character of Erica in this version is so much better), the new content is fantastic and the game is still so much fun. Go in without reservations and have a good time. Be careful not to fall though.

I actually quite like the concept of this game, and when I played it, I thought it was great. I love the setup of the central mystery, and I think aspects of the narrative work pretty well. The motion controls and QTE gameplay is good enough to keep you in to the story. Unfortunately the story has so many plot holes, contrivances, dropped points, and with how much content was cut from it, I can see why.

I quite like the first Borderlands. I dig it's wasteland feel, I dig is relative aimless feel, and I like how it makes you feel like the Vault Hunter you are, this lawless land needs a lawless hunter in it and I like how the game does that. Shooting is great, the series signature humor isn't as over the top in later games, but it's quirky enough to enjoy it. Shooting and looting is a ton of fun, the core loop is pretty addicting. The story is meh, but it's still neat enough to push you through. Check it out and see if you want to continue playing through the series, cause the games do get better after this.