Fuck me this game rules. The style of Fist of the North Star translates so well here. RGG really should take on licensed projects of other anime properties, cause they really outdid themselves with this one.

Surprisingly enough, this game was so, so much fun. It's gameplay is a relatively simple turn based setup, but collecting and evolving Digimon is always great. The story is pretty fun too, and the world feels very stylized and neat to explore. Definite recommendation.

I'm going to treat this small review as a comprehensive one for every game for the sake of posterity. The Zero Escape games are masterclasses of narratives, filled with insane twists and turns, incredible characters and mind-bending puzzles. It's so, so good, absolutely an inspirational game for me.

"Glory...to mankind"

This game. Holy shit this game is so good. I can't even describe it entirely. It owns real estate in my mind at all times. Play this god damn game right now.

This game really scratches that early to mid 2000's technological revolution kinda aesthetic in media at the time. It's wholly immersive(in a ton of ways), fun to play, and has a long, intricate story to boot. The best way to play GU, but we continue to wait until the original four dot Hack games get rereleases or remasters.

"The job? Killer is dead."

This game fucks, and so does it's protagonist Mondo. It's a wack ass Suda51 game that drips with suave style and character. It ain't perfect, but a combination of likable characters and very satisfying hack and slash combat make it a favorite for me.

This game is so fucking fun. Juliet is a wonderful character and the entire game is so charming and so demented. It's grindhouse inspirations are apparent but very welcome, making it stand out in a great way. Combat is hella fun, though a tad clunky, but still stylized and satisfying. The soundtrack fucks too. I also surprisingly like the story, which deals with much more than zombies summoned by a jilted emo nerd, but actually having a lot to do with body positivity and acceptance of one's flaws, and the power of love. Yeah. Play this thing.

"If you were a better person, you wouldn't be here"

I think this game just needs to be experienced blind. Despite it's appearances, it's one of the most impactful game narrative's I've ever experienced. Play it.

This is legit one of the best visual novels I've ever played. It's story is so well written and each character is developed and memorable in so many ways. What a ride this game is.

This is such a charming little rhythm game, a classical music rhythm game no doubt. The character designs exude charm and the general feel is just so delightful.

"Tell me. Why is it that birds fly?"

Tales games have always been treated as RPG comfort food. That isn't necessarily an incorrect way to describe them. A fun, deep combat system, wonderful characters and rich settings have made Tales games so popular. Berseria is no different, yet, it offers characters who are morally ambiguous, but you can't help but love, a story of revenge and trauma that you have to keep going through. And once it was all done for me, I had to let out a breath of relief and resignation. For so long these characters were in my head, and now their story is over, and what a story it was. Play this one. It's fantastic.

Note: Despite being the inferior game, Tales of Zestiria is connected to Berseria, both take place in the same world 1000 years apart. I recommend playing Zestiria first, it's not the greatest, but still pretty good, and then play Berseria. You get to see so many cool implications and connections between the two by playing them in this order. I recommend doing so.

Friggin love NiGHTS. What a lovely and innovative game. Need more weird games like this.

Yeah yeah, I know it's the boob game. I won't deny that boobs are cool. But this game genuinely has a ton of mechanical depth. It's fast and furious and with a ton of character variety. You can't go wrong playing it, either for the fun as hell fighting mechanics, or just the titties. Both are valid.

This game is just crunchy, bloody, over the top FPS fun. It may have gotten me on a list due to how much fun it was to just kill the fuck out of mutant grunts, and the game's points system encourages creative ways to obliterate enemies. The story and characters are kinda over the top stupid in what I think is a great way. It's got some uh, unique, ways to curse, but I think that adds to the charm. Honestly the background worldbuilding and ideas here could really be expanded much more in a great sequel, but this game is still the full Bulletstorm package. Tons of fun here.

Man this one just really disappointed me, even when I was young. It's trying to be an epic story with a 3D platformer flair, but with too many vehicle and turret sections, bleh collecting, a story that treats itself with way too much seriousness for how goofy it really is, and a cliffhanger ending just didn't do it any favors.