The absolute wasted potential of this game really saddens me. The only good thing about this game is Connor's story, which I think they should have made the whole game centered on. Everything else is just seriously bleh narrative wise.

"Do you like hurting other people?"

This game deserves it's praise. No wonder it essentially helped kicked off the indie game renaissance we're in today. A neon lit, blood drenched story, and similarly brutal but twitchy arcade gameplay equals an amazing game.

I've always been a Playstation kid, but even when this game came out, it just missed it's mark. A nothing arcade mode, baffling roster choice, and gameplay that lacks intricacy, it shapes up to be a really disappointing fighting game.


"We're gonna shake things up Morgan, just like old times."

The greatest immersive sim you've never played. And if you're into just amazing game design and so many cool ideas, play this game. It's the mind game for a reason.

"We're enemies. So let's do what enemies do."

My first Tales game, and a fantastic first impression. Wonderful gameplay, characters, music and setting, story drags a bit on the back end, but that's kinda true of many JRPGS. This one is worth the play, if my 150 hours in it don't speak for itself.

I'm not really ashamed to admit that when Persona 5 came out, I was hooked. I was just the perfect demographic for it. A lonely kid who just wanted to be free, and Persona 5 was that, a game for the social outcast. It's amazing all the way through, though story beats don't completely land in retrospect, I can't help but appreciate this game in so many ways.

Akechi is my bby girl btw.

Made a fantastic but flawed game near perfect. And gave us new characters including the best one: Maruki. Play it.

God this game is so fucking fun. I'm so sad it's gone under the radar so much. The characters are fantastic and lovable, the gameplay is fast, frentic and rhythmic, and having tons of hidden depth, and the story and style is fire. TWEWY needs more love.

A janky, skungy portal to an Akihabara of the past makes for a lighthearted, fun time. It really is virtual tourism, all the fun quirks of Akihabara make this game feel so authentic despite it's technical drawbacks and downright bad combat. Still worth a look if you're into otaku culture and want to be sent back to Akihabara of a simpler time.

This game is so slick. I love it. The gameplay is fantatic and stylish, like if you combined Ninja Gaiden with an stylized anime kinda feel. Check this one out, it's so cool.

This game is such an underrated, neglected gem. You know this game was abandoned by its publisher, and didn’t have any support on release, because it doesn’t even have a subtitle function. Despite this, it’s an inventive time-travel FPS with tons of cool powers, a neat story, good shooting, and a lot of strategic depth for how to use your abilities. Hell of a gem, shame it couldn’t have more attention.

Not only does the Kaito DLC feature Kaito with in his caked up glory, the story is surprisingly fantastic and the gameplay is still hella fun.

I think in a vacuum God of War(2018) is a pretty great experience. Raw, visceral combat just in a new perspective but still retaining the brutality of the older games, a solid story with really unexpected but welcome development for Kratos. Baldur is a great character and the emphasis on more exploration was fun. Gear system kinda wack though but still a great time.

This game sucks. But I love it. Something about it appeals to my love of the 2000's jank and Hot Topic, anime fan who just got really into Japanese made games more. It's skungy as fuck and downright broken and unfinished. A prime example of what could have been. It's gonna have real reevaluations this decade, mark my words.

Shenmue may be pretty outdated in terms of open world game standards these days, but these games were revolutionary at the time. They're vibes, I love the aesthetic, charming story and characters, and simple but fun Virtua Fighter type combat. There's nothing like exploring the world and just kinda talking to NPC's and seeing what they be doing, checking out little secrets and activities, and taking in the world around you that feels truly alive. Hell of a foundation for games like the Like a Dragon series.