Fun evolution of the mechanics started by the first game, but the story is much worse and the endgame is downright atrocious


The only thing more bland than this game is stale white bread

Didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the base game. Level exploration was pretty boring and tedious, combat encounters were either too easy or designed like DS2:SotFS, and one of the bosses was boring as hell while the other was quite frustrating to me. Only played it to get into Ringed City earlier

Easily the most boring Gears game, not much to say about it. Just disappointing coming right after 3

The story being worse than TNO/TOB put a big damper on my enjoyment of the game, combine that with the fact you're handicapped for a large portion of the game made me dislike it a good amount. At least Super Spesh is silly...

Going straight from Guac 1 to 2 was a really disappointing jump as one of my favorite things about 1 was its story. The super meta backstory put a massive damper on most of my fun for the entire game. The combat and platforming is still fun and exploring is as rewarding as most other metroidvanias at least, but if you don't like meta video-game related stories I would steer clear

One of the saddest and silliest games I've ever played

Pretty solid followup to the base game, wish it had more to it though

Damn, didn't know they made Vegases this new!

Hey, at least it isn't as boring and bland as the first Rage....

Only complaint I have about the game is that there aren't actual combat boss encounters to make proper use of your moveset

Incredibly boring and disappointing compared to Shadow of Chernobyl, all of the new systems introduced and changes made from SoC make the game much worse

Despite being so different from 3 and New Vegas, I still adore Fallout 4 for what it is. It's fun to properly build up settlements and explore the wasteland in the most survival-feeling sense yet. I absolutely adore this game despite its faults

I want an Ori plushie because he seems soft :)