6 reviews liked by AltoGMing

this is that one game u played once on ur wii with ur borther but you forgot about it completely untill you randomly bring it up in the car as a nostalgic memory while going to goodwill

The fact that the goofy orca DLC case is unironically better than any of the actual Dual Destinies cases is simultaneously the funniest thing ever and the saddest thing ever

This game gets the same score as Apollo Justice even though this is the more enjoyable of the 2, purely out of principle. Extremely cowardly attempt at a return to form and seems pretty revolted at being a sequel to Apollo Justice in a way that really gets under my skin. Last couple cases are fun enough I guess, otherwise it's overall just pretty bland and inoffensive

Get the patch that restores the original music.

i love animal crossing but this was a huge letdown :( feels super lifeless and boring but at least decorating is fun!