it's like Sonic Dreams Collection but with systemic silencing of self expression instead of vore

With the advent of the "metaverse" and so many companies buying into digital realms, PlayStation Home (2008) can now be placed among games such as Super Mario Brothers (1985), Doom (1993) and Resident Evil 4 (2005) as one of the most influential video games of all time.

Surely, there can't be that many monkeys.

Think of the smell!

I don't say this kind of thing lightly so believe me when I say, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is the most bisexual Triple A Game I have ever played

Also Cid the wife abuser isn't in it, so, instantly better than the original

If your character action game has:

- Time Travel elements where characters from previous events are brought forward to interact with the current situation
- a villain wanting to shape the world to destroy any deviations from canon, so their universe stands as the canon timeline
- a weirdly adversarial relationship with its own fanbase

That ain't your character action game, that's the webcomic Homestuck by Andrew Hussie

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A group of men, all in suits, surround a table looking at a blank whiteboard labelled:


The men seem stressed, opening their mouths occasionally as if to present an idea but nothing comes out, they do not know how they could wrap up the decades spanning story of Samus Aran, a character beloved by many.

Suddenly, the door to the boardroom flies open. Yoshio Sakamoto waltzes in, pacing his way to the whiteboard, he picks up a pen and writes 3 simple words


Everyone claps.

A single tear falls from Sakamoto's eye. He's finally done it.

Samus is Metroid.

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Did You Know?

Catherine: Full Body is actually a completely different game to the original Japanese Catherine as Atlus assumed the game was too difficult for English audiences.

This game is a retooled version of the Japanese Exclusive ドキドキトランスパニック which roughly translates to:

Doki Doki Trans Panic

Follow for more fun gaming facts.

Nathan Fielder Voice

The Plan: Create a video game so grotesquely horny that it makes young men want to have sex to understand what real women are like, saving Japan's declining birth rates

An incredibly successful experiment into how to write the least funny game ever made.

this game revolutionized fps games in the same way Margaret Thatcher revolutionized Coal Mine Unions in 1985

I played about 12 hours of this and then went back and installed Oblivion again.

Oblivion fuckin rocks dude

I'd rate it half a star but the game broke halfway through and didn't let me progress so, to be fair, it was nice of the game to let me know that I did not need to play anymore

It's time for another episode of "I really liked this thing when I was younger and I cannot wait to get back- Oh hold on, wait a minute, oh it's Copaganda"

look, I commend the effort but the Melee community literally reverse engineered a fucking gamecube game just so they could add rollback netcode to it, all while Nintendo have tried at multiple points to fucking eradicate their community.

I do not know why anyone would think Powdered Toast Man with no voicelines and royalty free Spongebob soundalike songs could stop them from playing Melee