The more I play Rance the more I look at his dick in the H scenes instead of the actual woman getting fucked

I am now a raging porn addict.

Out of all visual novels, I would argue that fata is most akin to the Western Canon aka the "great classics" of literature (don quixote, shakepeare, edgar allen poe, dickens, etc.). It's a very, very, VERY difficult read, much more so than steins;gate or fate or clannad or any other highly rated visual novel. Part of it has to deal with the heavy philosophical undertones, multiple layers of narrative, and overall complex writing structure that the visual novel uses. Part of it is due to the heavy and serious topics the vn covers, as well as the complexity of the characters involved. No character is underdevelooped in this vn, in fact some may argue that characters are OVERdeveloped. Compared to any other vn, fata's characters (especially jacobo) feel a lot more "human" because of this extensive development.

Learnt a language for this shit x21

AIB, MOSB, Monk, Hooded + Purple Noon without execution bullets; go kill yourself please