This game is fucking amazing for being what it is. Being able to play with all 3 starters is awesome. Kadabra being able to solo the whole game is fun, and the fact that the game is actually hard is wonderful. Such a fun experience.

Not a very great platformer. I hate how slippery Mario is. I cut it some slack since it's from 1985 but man I just did not have fun.

Game is good as hell for what it is

No copy ability :( otherwise cool

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The game is damn near perfect. I only have 2 genuine complaints. The gross underuse of "Stakes of Marika" and the final boss. I thought the final boss was underwhelming. Everything else in the game is perfect though.

Pretty good. I think the circle combat was cool, and evolved pretty good throughout the game but got boring in the last 3-5 hours. Cool game :)

Best multiplayer videogame I have ever played