vita rhtyhm games

I had this list half-finished so I decided ro finish it.

Just ranks Vita-native rhythm games I've played.

Infinitely better notecharts than P4D, but not perfect. No story is good, commu events are fun enough. Overall solid track selection though not all remixes are as good (though I found some the weirder ones were also some of the most fun to play). But P3D/P5D should've just been one big game or sold at half price.
Too grindy, small tracklist, extremely Miku focused even more so than other Project Diva games (example: Kaito doesn't even have a solo track, and only features in one song). Gameplay still great and some great tracks but relatively small selection.
20 tracks? That shit sucks. Good enough still though since it plays like Project Diva and has both short and full versions of tracks. Enjoyed despite knowing none of the animes featured.
It's Taiko so it's still good. Should've been one game. Basically only worth it if you're an IM@S freak or exhausted V Version
This was my favorite for a while so it's only not number 1 because the others are just that good
Very underrated. Plays great and has an amazing tracklist with about 60+ songs with DLC, with foos variety. Visuals are very poor and most are videos, but that's a minor flaw overall.
Great and big track selection with solid Bemani-style gameplay, not much more to say
The notecharts in this game are just straight up insulting but the visuals, soundtrack and P4 cast interactions made it entertaining enough overall. Basically everything is good except the FUCKING RHYTHM GAME ITSELF, congrats Atlus
Pretty good story but track selection sucks unless you get DLC. Pretty fun despite me not being a fan of touch-only controls.
Haven't played much, but this placement seems . Gameplay is ok enough. Just don't love the music much. Also it tries to sell sex appeal but the models look like shit so LOL, nice try morons.
Would be 100/10 if it had all tracks from F even as DLC but it's still a 90/10
This is just an honorable mention. Seems good enough but is the one rhythm game that's not import friendly so I'm not playing it
Trash. Solid track selection (my man Celldweller is in!) but godawful aesthetic and shit gameplay ruin it. Dumbass pointless "story" too lol. I hate this one.
This doesn't even count does it? Not much of a rhythm game. Just here to shit on Kickbeat by putting this higher.
Haven't played it that much and it's likely to go up once I do. An actual fresh rhythm game with unique touch gameplay closer to the arcade Technika games than the simpler bemani style, featuring a great track selection with both old and new DJMAX songs. Also one of the few remaining true Vita exclusives!
Pretty great, F 2nd is just better


3 years ago

your face is a vita rhythm game

3 years ago


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