Mega Man V 1994

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January 11, 2024

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Angel_Arle Rockman reviews
Part 1: Rockman for Famicom
Part 2: Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo for Famicom
Part 3: Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? for Famicom
Part 4: Rockman World for GB
Part 5: Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou!! for Famicom
Part 6: Rockman World 2 for GB
Part 7: Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? for Famicom
Part 8: Rockman World 3 for GB
Part 9: Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise for Famicom
Part 10: Rockman World 4 for GB
Part 11: Rockman 6: Shijō Saidai no Tatakai!! for Famicom
Part 12: Rockman's Soccer for Super Famicom

Wanted to write an apology. This review should have been done months ago but I was just lacking motivation at the time to finish it. This review will for a lot of it be stuff that was already done but I replayed the game just to keep my mind fresh on it and write the rest of it so enough talk, now with the actual review.

Well we’re here at another finale that I wasn’t expecting to happen already. We are at the end of the Rockman World games, it’s been fun replaying them but it’s now time for Rockman World 5. If people were to tell you to play any of these games, it would most definitely be this title. It’s the only one to be fully unique without having to reuse past Robot Masters. After the many titles on the handheld, it was finally time to see what they have cookin here. Let’s finish these Game Boy games once and for all!

It’s another day for Rock and Roll as the two are walking outside until suddenly a new threat arrives. He doesn’t look like anyone Rock has seen before but he lets Roll retreat for the rest of the game, seriously she never shows up again after this. Rock becomes Rockman and it’s time to get rid of this mysterious foe. He charges the Super Rock Buster and…it doesn't work! Even charging it did nothing, can Rockman not win? We find him awakened back at home and thanks to Dr. Right, we now have a new buster called the Rock’n Arm! With this new power, no new threat will be able to thwart our blue hero. Now it’s up to him and a new robot cat named Tango that accompanies Rockman to stop this new mysterious threat.

Like the plot showed, we now have a new buster. While buster shots are once again the same as they’ve always been, Rockman can shoot his fist at enemies. Think of it like a faster version of Hard Knuckle but it comes back to you. The move is strong but the one con it has is that Rockman can be offensive less if he misses so try to not miss too much. Otherwise everything is about the same as it was in World 4.

Oh man the stage design in this game. It’s so awesome in this game! There’s so many cool new ideas they put into this one. Since we are now fighting new robots called Space Rulers, a lot of levels feel like they have the inside of something in space or actually in space. You first start with four stages starring the trap ridden floors of Mars’ stage, the long strip of outside before going into a location filled with leaky pipes and water of Neptune’s stage, the bubbly and bounciness of Venus’ stage, and the treadmills that constantly move with many spikes around in Mercury’s stage. They are all a good length and aren’t too easy but nothing too difficult outside of a few months. Really the only issue I had was the bouncy floors being a bit finicky in Venus’ stage. They are all of a good length too. This goes for the other stages you’ll do in the second half of the game. Saturn’s stage has a really cool gimmick where some rooms change the gravity for platforming to make you floatier or heavier depending on the setting. They even have an optional path to get special items that I’ll talk about later. The stages also fixed the issue I have of World 4 where sometimes the level design rinses and repeats things. While not every stage is 100% original as stuff like water is obviously not new, there isn’t a single bad level in this game. Enemies are also well placed and really the only complaint I had with the level design is that there were one or two moments of praying you don’t fall on spikes falling down a long corridor. Otherwise, it’s pretty awesome! The order I went was Mercury -> Mars -> Venus -> Neptune -> Pluto -> Uranus -> Jupiter -> Saturn.

Well I can actually talk about the fights in this one as they’re all unique here. Mercury is pretty simple, his Snatch Buster can steal your items but as long as you hit him then he will rush to the other side as a liquid. Parts of his liquid body move in two different ways but he never changes his pattern so learn how to dodge and you’ll beat him in no time. Venus can be tricky as his jump depends on if you try hitting him or not, reminds me a bit of Clash Man. His Bubble Bombs can be hard to dodge so watch out for those! Mars can shoot Photon Missiles that you can slide or jump over but watch out as he can shoot a very fast projectile that you’ll need to mash the buster button to avoid getting hit. As he rushes to the other side, focus on dodging mines as he’s invincible anyway. Neptune likes to jump a lot so be wary of that and be careful if you’re too far away as he can do a move to drop water from the ceiling and during this you can’t even slide. Pluto is fast and likes to dash around. Watch out for his fast projectiles when he’s up on the ceiling and don’t bother hitting him when he’s dashing around. Uranus has huge defense! You’ll be here for a while without his weakness and worst of all he can crush you when slamming the ceiling down and he hurts like hell. Jupiter is pretty easy since you’ll always have Bubble Bomb for this fight and he’s got a pretty easy pattern anyway. Saturn…uhhh I forgot to actually learn what he does since he dies very fast to his weakness. I’m sorry. Overall they are pretty fun bosses though I wish Uranus was better but some of the more fun fights also to do Buster only or would that be arm only? Totally not doing that cause I’m too lazy to remember all of the weaknesses.

Alright time for the usual special weapon discussion and this will be a good one! Grab Buster from Mercury is really good as it fires a projectile that not only hits hard but also gives you back a small amount of energy to refill on health. Perfect if you are needing it but don’t want to use an E-tank. Bubble Bomb from Venus is pretty good too as it fires upwards in a wavy pattern and hurts anything on contact. It also runs along walls and ceilings. This move is just excellent on a lot of enemies so enjoy using this one a lot even if the aiming can be a bit challenging at first. Photon Missile from Mars is alright, I like the power and multiple missiles you can send out but it’s a little too slow for my liking when you first send it out. It still can be useful at times. Salt Water from Neptune is eh for me. I’m sure it’s good but I never feel the need to bring it out and the only time I ever use it is when seeing the enemy named Birdy. It can be good for walls and ceiling as it splits into three smaller balls of water. Electric Shock from Jupiter is really cool as you can use electricity from your hands, making the range small but perfect for killing enemies in seconds. It feels very satisfying. Black Hole from Saturn sends out a black hole that then shoots out a lot of projectiles expanding as a circle and is very useful for killing enemies but lacks much energy. Deep Digger from Uranus is sadly the worst weapon in the game. It lets you pick up rocks to throw at enemies but they mostly use this to find secrets making the weapon extremely situational and kind of useless. Finally we have Break Dash from Pluto and it’s awesome! They finally did one of these physical attacks right. It’s strong, you can go through enemies no problem, you have i-frames during and after the move, and best of all YOU CAN ACTUALLY SHOOT WITH YOUR BUSTER WHILE HAVING BREAK DASH ON! It’s like everything I wanted from Charge Kick and even more! The only real flaw is it can’t be used in the air and immediately ends if you go off the floor. You also can’t charge your buster since that activates the move but not a big deal. These are a very solid set of weapons and I’d argue they are really underrated!

Rush Coil and Rush Jet are still here and honestly they just feel obligatory at this point so let’s talk about the new cat in town, Tango. Tango will attack enemies by rolling up in a ball and moving around hitting anything it makes contact with. He can be helpful but I find him not that worth using once you get more weapons since he’s a bit slow to get working well. Eddie is also here to sometimes give you items along with Blues too, though sometimes you’ll have to find him in secret areas. Oddly no Beat though which is odd. Dr. Right also has a shop where you once again buy stuff with P-chips. This store even has upgrades for the Rock’n Arm. Sadly this game also does that thing where the 2nd half doesn’t refill your energy and you have to buy an item to refill it everytime. Honestly just purposefully get a game over to refill it for free. You can also buy a special item but I gotta rant real quick.

In Rockman 6, I complained about the game having some poor replayability due to how you get the Beat letters. In the 2nd half of the game, you can collect jewels for Dr. Right since he’ll make an item for free with them. The item is the Power Generator which halves weapon energy consumption. It’s really helpful but you need to find them in secret areas. These areas require Break Dash and Deep Digger. This means you will have to go to them first if you want to beat the game faster. This sucks because the weapons from Jupiter and Saturn are really fun to use but it’s just not optimal to them first. Even worse, Pluto’s stage requires Deep Digger and Uranus’ stage requires Break Dash meaning you have to replay one of those stages anyway which feels like bad design to me. Could they really not find a better way to hide these? At the very least they are optional unlike the Wily letters in World 4 but I don’t think that makes the situation any better. I could see this hurting the game for me whenever I decide to replay the game more which kind of worries me ngl.

I didn’t mention it but halfway you’ll fight a boss named Dark Moon. It’s just another Devil fight and it’s pretty easy this time so just use Photon Missile and you’ll be fine. Once you’re done with all of the eight Space Rulers, you’re off to fight the foe from the very beginning of the game who is Earth by the way. Well the game gives you blocks so just use Deep Digger and it’ll be over before you know it. You’ll get Spark Chaser from Earth and it’s awesome as well. A laser that homes in on enemies and is really powerful. Worth using if you have the chance to in the final part of the game. You think it’s over but nope you learn the Space Rulers were working for sigh Dr. Wily…God they really can’t let go of Wily. So yeah he’s the main threat now so off you go into space some more with Rush and the final act commences.

The first level is a shmup section and like many games that aren’t shmups, this shmup section sucks. Starts off with asteroids you can’t hit, one single type of enemy and giant ass lasers you cannot predict and do a ton of damage. The boss is also very easy and boring. Probably the worst level in the game. The last level in the game is long and you’ll be going through a level with multiple paths and you’ll even rematch all of the Rockman killers and Quint. It’s a pretty cool callback to the previous entries. Though whoever thought the rooms after them should all end with spikes on the right side every time needs to be told they’re not funny. Otherwise the level is pretty solid but nothing too amazing. By the end you’ll be doing a…boss rush. Goddamnit. Beaten, destroyed, bye bye, dead, go away, wait why is Neptune weak to Spark Chaser, boom, and bam. Ok off to the final boss which is Dr. Wily. First you get a ton of weapon energy refills and then it’s off to fight the left and right knuckle of Wily’s Machine. They’re pretty easy to dodge and just a little bit of aim of Salt Water will knock them both easily. Now you’re fighting the main thing, Dr. Wily’s Brain Crusher. The first phase is easy as you just need to dodge and bounce the bomb back with your shots and when the enemy that changes gravity shows up, I just use Spark Chaser. With enough explosions the first phase is done. The second and final phase is even easier as with enough uses of Spark Chaser, he goes down fast and his shots are pretty easy to dodge. Congratulations you have beaten-wait there’s more? Wily isn’t the final boss? Nope you still have one more opponent. You must now fight Sungod. He is strong and he moves fast. You even at times have to deal with different gravity with your jumps. He’s easily the hardest fight in the game. Though if you can still use Spark Chaser, it can make it a bit easier for you even though Sungod has zero weaknesses surprisingly. Once he’s down, he barely lives but it’s too late for him as Rockman has to book it out of there with Rush after a bit of small talk. The base explodes with Sungod still inside, ending his life for good. Once Rockman gets back on Earth, he sits down and thinks about the journey he had. Sadly it’s cut short as Dr. Wily continues to fight Rockman until his saucer breaks leaving him defenseless. With no other choice, he flees with Rockman giving chase, ending Rockman World 5.

When it comes to the graphics, they’re pretty nice. This game actually has SGB support this time though the colors are nothing amazing. I wish there was a full color version but there isn’t. The border is at least nice. The framerate issues are also still here but honestly I didn’t even notice it that much when playing. All the sprites and stuff are of good quality as expected. Really love all the new boss designs. My only real issue with the graphics is the lack of cool cutscenes that World 4 had. At least the weapon get screen is still very cool and awesome. I also love how they still give stuff like the level select screen such a cool look and not do the same old design of bosses in Squares. The music is some really good stuff too, it’s impressive they could make so many good songs on their own. Though I’m not sure who composed it sadly. My favorites have to be Mercury’s stage theme, Pluto’s stage theme, and the ending. God the ending feels like an amazing way to end this series of games on the GB. I think it’s about time to wrap things up.

So, there you have it people. Every World game is finally done and in the end, I love World 5. This game is so far my favorite Rockman game I’ve reviewed so far. So much of the game is just so fun to play. The level design is really good, the bosses are fun for the most part, and there’s not even really a bad level besides the shmup one. We have seen the highs and lows of these GB games and it’s great to see it end on a high note. I’d be surprised if any Rockman game surpasses this one for me. I’d strongly recommend playing it if you have the chance to. Sadly it’s gone on 3DS VC so you’ll have to get an original cart unless one day Capcom decides to put the World games on NSO. Rockman will also never be seen again on a Nintendo handheld after this unless you want to count Rockman & Forte on GBA. I had a great time reviewing these, yes even World 2. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope it can even motivate you to give this great game a go! Next time on the Rockman reviews, I’ll be moving to the Mega Drive with Rockman: Mega World. I’ll see you then!