This review was written before the game released

Wow! 60 dollars! That's a lot of money for such a presumably small game. How's about you pirate it? Get it for free? In fact, how about you stop giving a dogshit company like Nintendo any money at all and pirate every Nintendo game you want to play? huh?????? huh????? ever think of that huh

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2021


2 years ago

would rather pay 60 bucks for a smaller and more replayable and kino game than 60 for a 40 hour slog.

2 years ago

Chad posting

2 years ago

@GenericBoyMan that's right

2 years ago

not gonna waste the space on my SD card tbh
@GenericBoyMan here's a better idea: keep your 60 bucks and you can play both for free by pirating or emulating! Just don't tell your parents ;)
i know right nintendo is so shit for bringing back our favorite franchises and making good games and being an active company

2 years ago

if you have a PC strong enough to emulate the nintendo switch in current year, money is no concern

maybe in 2029 proper switch emulation will be a viable option for real people

2 years ago

@PKMudkipz spotted not missing once again

2 years ago

You need a crazy good computer to emulate switch and even then it's buggy and to pirate switch games you need to jailbreak a certain model and then never use online again. Just let people be excited for a new metroid dam

2 years ago

Josh if this is what the new metroid is it would be better if it stayed dead like f-zero, not a joke. this is just a dogshit ugly game.

2 years ago

shit Brock, did Ridley get your family too? gotdamn bro it's just an unreleased video game take it easy

2 years ago

just shoplift it dumbasses

2 years ago

gamer alert

2 years ago

To all the haters and losers: I have an 8 year old PC with an 8 year old CPU and a GTX 770 I got second hand for $65 three years ago, and I can run Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker on Yuzu perfectly fine. Besides, even if your PC was unable to run switch games at a stable framerate, that's not exactly anything new with the switch in the first place, is it?

2 years ago

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Correct king