When I played Crash 1, I had a lot of fun. I thought it was a fun, challenging platformer. Can't go wrong with a challenging platformer.

But then I started Crash 2, and it started to annoy me. Don't get me wrong, I still got some enjoyment out of it, but it just started to feel tedious with weird sections and gimmicks that undermine the simple platforming gameplay of the first Crash game. It was just so frustrating. And I've heard that there are even more weird vehicle sections in Crash 3, so I really didn't want to bother checking it out...

I love this game. Eversince I first saw my brother play Isaac in 2013/2014, it intrigued me. I wanted to play it myself so badly. When I finally did in 2015, it was unlike anything I had ever played before. An infinitely replayable roguelike with hundreds of items and secrets to uncover, filled to the brim with weird details. It spoke to me on a deeper level. In the years that followed, I continued to play Isaac every now and then. Each DLC and update caused another spike of play time spent with this game for me.

And then Repentance released.

After all these years, it was as if I experienced Isaac for the first time again. Everything was new, the enemies, the new floors, the new items, details, endings, secrets, characters, synergies, EVERYTHING. I couldn't get enough of it. Repentance is clearly created with so much care that playing it felt as if I rediscovered my love for a special someone.