Nice rogue-like, but I think Isaac just spoiled me to the point where it's very difficult for me to enjoy any other game in the genre. I really appreciate the game's charme though.


Doom managed to give me nightmares as a twenty-year-old. It did not give me a power fantasy, but rather a feelong of paranoia that stuck with me.

Neat additions to an amazing game. It's odd how the new content only adds to the sweet wholesome part of the game and not to... well, you know.

This is one of the only two video games that made me cry. I love the characters, the way the game completely shifts in tone and just the overall vibe.

Big step up from chapter 1! I love the new characters, the writing is peak. The scenarios and the mechanics are also a lot more interesting.

Kinda forgettable first chapter imo, but it's decent. The writing is great as always.

Animal Well has some neat ideas and looks gorgeous, but the main game is too simple and short while post-game is way too cryptic and tedious in my opinion.

Why did my brother make me play this?

Could have been a cool Hollow Knight meets sick 3D platforming kinda game, but ended up being pretty confusing and disorienting. The movement feels nice though.


Man I love indie games. This game is so powerful, so bold, so unique, so bite-sized


The video game equivalent of quality bread. It's great, but it's also just bread.

It's a classic but not really my cup of tea. Idk, completing the main story is decent fun, but the game gets way too ridiculously difficult in the post-game.

It's alright, I'm just not a big fan of strategic rogue-likes. I always feel I'm not playing optimally, but when I lose I sometimes also feel like there was nothing I could have done. It has cool artstyle though.

Criminally overlooked, this is some of Edmund McMillen's best work, I think it easily outclasses Super Meat Boy by a long shot. The game looks and sounds amazing too, I love the atmosphere.

It used to make the game worse, which is insane for a DLC, like how bad can you mess this up? But they redeemed themselves with the boster packs (especially the last one).