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AntitoxinZero commented on meearmph's review of Final Fantasy VII
yaoi? you should see the tifa fans or the clerith fans. actual basement dwellers

18 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero reviewed Xenoblade Chronicles 3

This review contains spoilers

I can't think of another cast in an RPG that I love more than this one. Even without the side stories (which I fucking love), the main cast is just amazing through and through. Same thing with the heroes. With Nia, I was scared that she would be done differently than in XC2, or that they'd just ignore the character development she got in that game. (I wouldn't know about Melia since my dumbass played Xenoblade 2 first and then this game right after) But Monolith said "Fuck all that" and did her right. Something I don't like about most JRPGs (atl from the ones I've played) is that I can't get creative with it, do many combinations, and try out many new things as I did with Xenoblade 2 and their blade system, but this blows that out of the water. It's just an amazing and unique combat system all around (even though I find it funny that they change clothes with the classes). I've mentioned my opinion on some of the area OSTs in my last XC3 review, but I'm going to mention the other parts of the OST, like the offseer themes and cutscene themes. Beautiful. My favorite OST in an RPG. Speaking of beautiful things, the game itself always makes me wonder what would happen if this game was on a different console, cause it looks too amazing to be a Nintendo Switch game. Now for the story. Absolute Cinema. My only gripe would be Joran as a character, but really, that's me being nitpicky. I forgot to mention another thing. I'm a sucker for love stories, and Noah and Mio's love story is my favorite of all time at the moment, and it's going to be hard to surpass that. This is probably the most passionate I've been about an RPG, but we'll see.

Before I make a Future Redeemed "Review", I wanna play Xenogears and Xenosaga I-III to get more context on the references.

18 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero commented on ZettaSlow's review of Xenoblade Chronicles 3
btw, what do you mean by extra exposition? which part of the game needed more explaining?

18 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero completed The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
This is the best KOF game in my opinion. It's a love letter not only to the NESTS saga but to SNK in general. In this game, everyone who was playable in the NESTS saga is playable, yet that's not where it stops. There are stage cameos and references to older SNK titles like World Heroes, SamSho, Metal Slug, The Last Blade, AOF, and the older KOF games; there are even references to the Fatal Fury games, including MOTW. Everything is improved in this game as well, there's even remade themes of the older KOF, FF, and AOF games. (Usually, this would be a problem because I have a gripe with remixed themes, but it's done well here.) I think I've mentioned it before, but I love the characters of SNK. They're all brimming with personality and they're all unique. (Minus the literal clone characters, but even K' has his unique gameplay charms compared to Kyo). Just an all-around perfect fighting game.

18 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero completed The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match
So here's another fan-favorite KOF game; improving on everything I already like about the original KOF '98. From music to the characters themselves. It feels way smoother to play and I love how it's practically a love letter to the entire Orochi Saga. Everyone who was playable once from every KOF game before 98 is playable in this game. It makes sense that this is considered one of the best fighting games.

19 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero reviewed Tekken 3
This is the best Tekken game in my opinion. I know many people hold Tekken 3 in high regard as one of the best fighting games ever, and I can see why. The music and aesthetics are perfect, setting the tone for the game. All the characters are perfect, Jin's a great main character and new addition. Speaking of the new additions, this being a lot of Tekken mainstays' debut makes this game all the better. Bryan, Xiaoyu, Eddy (even if he's annoying to play against), Hwoarang, Julia, etc. I've mentioned the OST before, but I can't stress enough how amazing it is, probably my favorite FG OST ever. Magnificent.

19 hrs ago

22 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero commented on _Tokumei's review of Soul Hackers 2
atlus will see this game and say “see this is why we use silent protags in our games, thats who people want”

22 hrs ago

AntitoxinZero commented on PKD2's list VNs I’ve played ranked
@pkd2 how the 80 hour yap session isn't classified as a VN is beyond me

1 day ago

AntitoxinZero commented on PKD2's list VNs I’ve played ranked
persona 3 and 4 on here, but no persona 5.

1 day ago

AntitoxinZero commented on yetallus's review of The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie
@kevin_anderson he likes it more than cs4, so that's two trails games.

1 day ago

AntitoxinZero commented on yetallus's list Trails Ranking
what gag did sky 3 do?

1 day ago

AntitoxinZero commented on yetallus's review of Elden Ring
>Going to keep this short

1 day ago

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