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Starting of a like similar like the first game with the school setting the fact that Rean is no longer a student makes the game a lot better. Having had to deal with a lot he has had time to grow and it shows. The new group he takes charge of is a lot smaller than the one he was a student with, but I feel it better this way. The new graphics are great and shows great promise for games further down the line.

With the Civil war over we see that the political situation has changed and the reformists and been a lot more aggressive in their ways after their victory. You see that the situation in Erebonia was not as black and white as the first game made one think.
Overall a much better game than the first two.

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Starting of the new arc in Crossbell this game might take place place in a smaller country than Trails in the sky did in Liberl. It is much more easier to get to really know everything and everyone in this small City state. With the political tension between the two major superpowers, driving a lot of high ranking individuals in this country to become corrupt and the challenges which the SSS face thru out the game. They quickly become a very likable cast
Once again just like in Trails in the sky. The world building in this arc is just as fantastic as the one before.

Very great game with a fantastic story, when you fail to beat a boss i never feels like the game failed you but it's entierly your fault. This makes it feels even more rewarding when you finally defeats your foes and becoming a greater player be each step.

An absolute masterpiece

Story is pretty good and the atmosphere of the games setting is pretty interesting as well as the world itself. It had a rough start, but with time has grown to become what so many hoped it would be, it's a shame it took so long because the game is very good now.

Was my first introduction to the Persona series and my favorite at that. Story is great, but the characters were the greatest part of the game imo. The character development along with the dark theme of the game is wonderfully executed, the main group were all very easy to like and it was great to see them grow thru out the game.

Best game of the trails series imo. The story and its execution is wonderful and makes one just more intrigued in learning more about this world.
The characters and their development is great.

The game is good, but would say it’s the weakest of the Trails series. Although it might not be the best of the bunch it creates a great starting point for the new arc. The generic school setting might be cliche, but it doesn’t stop the story from being told in a great way.
Even tho the cast is by far the biggest, they are all very likeable. With upgraded graphics the world and characters feels a lot more alive than before.

The game expands well on the plot and characters from the first Cold Steel game and the main plot is good. That being said, the games weakest point is it’s slow pacing which could have been handled a lot better than it was. That being said, the ending put out a chance for the next game to become a lot better.

Absolute great game from start to finish. Great world build, characters and in general feels more lively than most other JRPG’s. Although the game is old it’s still a fantastic game.

The great world building as said is by far the best part of this game and is very easy to get interested in.

Easy and simple game, but still fun. As other paradox games, mods help improve the game even more. Relaxing, enjoyable and just generally a very fun game to play.

Beautiful game with an open world which has a lot to explore

Great game with a story that can be told from different perspectives makes for a game with a lot to explore with many characters.

Game is very enjoyable, it's a breath of fresh air with many fun missons. Never feels very repetetive as each mission feels different and meeting new players always adds to a different experience.