3 Reviews liked by Arelaxe

Un hermoso videojuego en base a la exploracion y simplemente disfrutar el viaje.

I think easily this games strongest suit is the exploration. It's so fun to just explore this unnamed house as the size of an ant, using pikmin like creatures to solve puzzles and collect things. It's a 3D Pikmin collectathon and it does its job super well, for an indie game its extremely well polished and I had no issues with it on that front. I do have an issue with how it handles its collectibles though, for some reason there is no way to track how many things you have in a level. Sure it'll show the counters for each thing you need but in terms of like a way of finding the ones you're missing? You're out of luck. That's why if you look this game up there's multiple forums of people posting about how they can't find those 5 missing pieces of pollen or 4 tinykin they missed. A simple fix would be to add a tracker you get for completing the speedrun challenges. It would be a nice incentive other than the optional outfits you get. Having customizable options is nice but I think a tracker would make the work you go through to get it feel worth it.
But yeah that's a main thing holding this game back from true greatness. Other than that, this game is fantastic.

Un juego espectacular, inmenso de mundos fascinantes y niveles desafiantes pero que jamas rayan en lo injusto. Ademas de que la musica es extraordinaria.