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Aspen finished Metroid: Samus Returns
Was a really good experience overall!!! I usually worry about getting lost and stuff but the map was honestly useful, wish I could place more than 10 markers at a time though. There were a few points where I had to look up a guide, but I managed to figure out like 90% of things by myself. This is also one of the most beautiful games with the 3D enabled, it adds a lot to it.

4 days ago

Aspen backloggd Pikmin 4

7 days ago

Aspen finished The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Replayed the game, but in mastermode for the first time. It was difficult at the begining but wasn't too hard after a while. I also never used fast travel and instead just wandered around the map on foot/horse. It was fun to revisit it after tears of the kingdoms' release, and it still holds up I'd say. Its a lot simpler and lacks a few of the QOL changes in totk, but unless youre playing them back to back its not really something you notice or pay attention to, besides a few times where I wish i could use ascend.

13 days ago

14 days ago

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