This was the first rated M game I was able to bamboozle my mom into buying for me.

Goddamn, that was something special.

The first one you play will always be the most special

So good that I refuse to play it again because I worry it won't be exactly like when I played it as a young lad .

I'm one playthrough away from becoming a farmer in real life.

I always try to replay the series so I can finally play 3, but I don't finish 3 so like a year later I try again and always start from the first game. Meaning what usually happens is I beat 1, and then I play like half of two. And then next time I beat 1 and 2, and then a third of 3. And then next time I beat 1 and 2 and get burned out and never play 3.

All this to say, I've played this goddamn game way to many times. Anyways, I'm gonna pick up the Remaster so I can finally beat 3. Or I will just beat this one again. I gonna do soldier this time! Yahoo!

Created a huge slut for strategy games in the year of our lord 2015.

I had a blast with this game. It's so freaking fun. But i'd be lying if I rated it higher. I had an amazing time, but that was despite the game's polish, not because of it.


More mechs in video games please!

I want to deal with my depression the old fashion way, piloting a mech suit against my will!

Fun for a retro throwback, but doesn't hold up as well as other older games in the series.