9 Reviews liked by AustinTaylor

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's a very calming game, and you get to play as a little bird which is my faaaaavorite part. I like doing races! With a bird that's a owl and I don't even know his name!

i try not to be crt pilled but playing this on a crt kinda blows my fucking mind dog

i watched tim roger's review on this and now its my favorite game

sadly i am not cool enough to be armored core pilled

Theres a universe where God Hand is the most popular game ever created and this game slipped out of that universe and into ours

Me: Man I have literally hundreds of other media I need to get through.
Also me: You know what I wanna get the gnome achievement.

Rise and Cum Mr Freeman.
Rise and Cum.