Wow what a follow up. The emotional weight, gorgeous environments, this was overall an amazing experience through and through

Holy shit I slept on this for far too long, perfection

Incredible fun, great music, level design and compelling story although I personally felt the combat could of used a little something. Over all tight, fun, concise and worth it.

A beautiful homage to games like Super Metroid, Axiom Verge blew me away. Incredible level design, tight controls and beautiful music. A must play for Metroidvania lovers

Please see Gears of War review, it's the same

Why does no one want to play with me

A beautiful game. Check Hollow Knight review, I mean c'mon. It's perfect

So dope, check Hollow Knight review

The expansions slap, look at the Hollow Knight review. I love this

I can only distinctly remember a glitchy motorcycle section


Had a ton of fun with this expansion really

Speaking of awesome cutscenes, this story line was probably the coolest of the MK games

You guys remember that there's a human campaign in a game about Aliens vs Predators? Yeah, pretty much how that sentence makes you feel is how the game is. Just a sour taste right?