Another game on the list of I couldn't stop playing till the end. The core gameplay of grinding to get the most points and to get to higher places for grafiti is satisfying. The Soundtrack is fire and the cell shading sells it as a Jet Set Radio successor. The only problems I had with it was that the combat was not that fin or kenetic for a game focused on combos are kenetic movement and the bosses were either annoying to deal with or had attacks that were annoying. Till an amazing game that is well worth the money.

I don't know what rating to give this game at the moment cause I loved it so much, but is it better then Spider-Man 1? It improves on so many things from the original and in Miles Morales, while improving on the progression of things like how in this game, crime is not tied to area completion and is just a distraction. I will also say that the story got me to FEEL and EMOTE and TEAR. I hope they do DLC for this game like they did for the 1st game.

This is a socail deduction game like Among Us. It is really fun with friends, but what puts it below Among Us in my opinion is that it is mechanically very simple and that dosen't create that much suspense or suspecion that Among Us really gives to players. It also isn't very long with matches that last at least 2 minutes when Among Us has about 7 minutes matches. I wouldn't say it's bad, I mean it is a free game, but there can be so much room to grow in a sequel.

This game has an awful story with awful dialouge. But at least the gameplay is really addicting. Unlike most other FPS games, this one is less focused on shooting demons till hey die, it's more focused on wanting you to get the fastest times on the stages. That alone makes it standout from other games in the genre. While I didn't like the story, I will say that the voice acting is spot on especially te VA for White and the game gave me Persona 5 vibes with the aestetic and the end of mission animation. This is a game you shouldn't miss.

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This was fine. I liked the new cyber stages, the music is top tier as always with this franchise, playing the other characters were fun and were diffrent from each other and I liked that. But it is still Ouranos Island and it is the worst of the 5 islands, some sections were really not well designed like the 3rd tower climb, the final boss, and the master koko trial, and finally the ending was not worth it cause it's a slightly diffrent ending from the original. It had moments that were poorly made and some things that were really good that I like. But the hardest thing in this franchise? nah, Sonic Unleashed DLC is still the hardest thing in this franchise.

Now that all the hype has died down for this game and the fact that I never played any of the updates for this game in the past nearly year since launch. I decided areplay was in order. This is a game I still enjoy very much. The bosses are still hype AF for me, Sonic in the open worlds is probably the best controlling sonic in a 3D Space, the soundtrack is a bop, I realized that from Island 1 to 3, you don't really need to do that many of the token challanges and it made the game a bit faster, especially on Chaos. But there are the downsides. I do think that by Rhea Island the game starts to lose it's steam by having a short island and then the longest one in the game. The Jank wasn't that bad on this playthrough, but it's still there. Cyberspace, while not the worst thing to come out of the Sonic Series, is slow and pace breaking compared to the fast open world sections. This is a very messy game, but it's a messy game that I really enjoy and respect like Megaman X5.

I'm gonna be honest, I was not having that much fun with this one. The first half was fine, better then II. But then we reach the second half where the stages go on forever and the bs Scale is off the mother fucking charts. I am starting to think that Megaman on GB is something that dosen't work at all.

I think this game is neck and neck with 4. the bosses are more fun, but some of the weapons are a downgrade or bad. it's harder then 4, but also easier then 4. it depends on my mood if I like it more then 4, for now I think it's better

This game was so much better then Dr. Wily's Revenge, but I felt as though that this game was too easy, it showered me with lives and introduced E-Tanks, but some bosses like Crash Man and Needle Man were too unpredictable. So overall it was meh.

This was a great time and better then all the Classic games up to this point. The Weapons are all great, the bosses (aside from Toad Man are fun and beatable with the buster only, the stages are fun and look great, and the final stages (aside from the auto scroller) are some of the best in the series so far. Just a great game.

This is one of the worst Megaman games I have ever played. I was so frusturated playing this and I never want to feel it ever again. It's not the worst since it was made on the Gameboy and Iceman and Fireman are somewhat not hard bosses. But dear god I hope that the second game is better.

This game fucked me up so hard. This is a point and click game so there isn't much in terms of the gameplay, but it's all about the story in this game. Learning about the life of this person and how we go from recent memories to the more carefree earlier ones, but there is a twist in the 3rd act that broke me down so hard and what one of the characters had to do made me hate them. I won't spoil much about this one, since this is a game I think anybody can play, if they like really good storytelling. Easy Recommend.

I dispise this game. Most of the Stages are really bad with only a few good stages. The Doc Robots are some of the most annoying bosses in the Megaman Franchises. The Weapons are either downgraded weapons from 2 like Shadow Man's Weapon or are just plan Bad like Hardman's Weapon. Just glad to be done with this one.

This was such a ride. I have my problems with this game, I think that half the bosses are not that fun, the opening is a little too slow, the length can make it feel like it's going on forever, and Olivier is a character that I dispise. But the story really carried the game with moments where I was verbally reacting to ever reveal and moment. The combat was simple but effective for getting you through the story, too bad I sucked at it, I really liked most of the characters with Joshua being my favorite character throughout the entire. Great game, hope SC is an improvment.

This is the Megaman Game that is probably the one I don't get the hype around. When the game needs you to farm energy for completing a level, it's bad design. Any Weapon that isn't the metal blade is bad. Better then 1, but that ain't saying much.