30 reviews liked by AyCaramba

my life will never be the same again. this game has ruined me. cloud and aerith will forever keep changing me, their relationship pierces straight into my heart and soul. the cast is beyond perfection. i couldn't breathe through the tears.

I can't wait til the third part FF7: Cloud Goes to Therapy

I loved it. The themes, the characters... more particularly Cloud's writing. MY GOSHHHH THAT WAS SO GOODDDDDD!!!

i think picayune dreams is what breakcore would feel like as a video game (it's really good)

Still sorting through my more complex thoughts about this one (and might make an entire video at some point), but it's definitely the definitive way to experience Persona 3 unless you're a glutton for weird game design. For everything lost, for every cut mechanic and awkward Unreal Engine-lit environment, there is also something beautiful gained. It's a fool's errand to expect any remake to evoke the exact vibe of the original experience, but Reload maintains the heart and soul where it matters.

The rating speaks for itself. I can't wait for part three.

possible implied spoilers

It felt like there were too many plot points in one story. Almost as if the writers had too many ideas and just jumbled them all together with no clear path to what they wanted to accomplish...
Also, poor Miles was subjected to (what felt like) sidequests every time we switched to him ://
The gameplay was great. Some setpieces/fights were dragged out though.
6/10. Nothing spectacular (haha), but not a bad play.

Faith offered me what I absolutely adore the most on the Horror genre: overwhelming atmosphere while avoiding its reliance in jumpscares, while at the same time delivering an intriguing story that pulls no punches to develop before your eyes, while I think that its commitment to being a retro-looking game can make it a bit frustrating sometimes, the good things generally outweighs the bad ones.




Excellent remaster of the original 2012 game. Every single room received a lot of care and attention, and many revisions to the more annoying/lackluster areas make a lot of sense and felt like they should've been that way to begin with. While I will always highly recommend the original game, this version is an extremely compelling argument that remakes can in fact be better.