28 Reviews liked by BSFletch

It's like vampire survivors, but you're a potato. And this one did stick with me for over 150 hours :O

What a fun game. Cozy and extremely stressful at the same time. And an incredible sound track, which perfectly captures thits cozy and chaotic vibe. Phonomenal.

A beautiful collage of art, culture, and legend; bound together by mythos and painted into existence with grace and serenity. It's also 1 of 2 (two) games where you can piss on enemies.

Super fun with friends. Yeah I got sucked into buying crates but for the amount of time I spent along with buying it at 40 bucks years later? Worth. Say it with me now: I understand the pain of a healer main.

Fun relaxing diving game with interesting characters. You can easily beat the game in 3 hours, so it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Overall, it was a heartfelt and memorable experience.

It is super easy to get started playing this game and it is super fun to master all the well-designed mechanics.
And the best part is, that this game is free on PC and mobile without any ads. There is DLC that you can buy, but the base game offers plenty of content to get started.

Professor Heinz Wolff’s Gravity wasn’t as bad as I hoped, but it also wasn’t so good that it deserves a full review.

The most important pillar in the history of gaming

It's a roguelike, not my favorite genre honestly. Couldn't seem to ever beat it. Not playable on Firefox. Somehow vanished after I switched internet providers. The dinosaur is cute tho. ❤️

I can't believe this is actually here. of all my time but into this about an hour is what I've got. If that is a lot then oof.

This game had me a couple times with some of the twists. playing through a second time kinda takes away from the experience. I feel like it's a one and done kinda game though it's more like an explosion instead of fire cracker

Very fun and charming puzzle game. Great game to play on mobile and it was free to play for me through Netflix.

Well deserved GOTY.

This game has a great gameplay and level design. Every level feels unique since it comes with new mechanics. I found great how both players feel equally impactful to complete the levels + the art direction is beautiful and creative.

Must play if you’re looking for a co-op to enjoy with your partner.

Danganronpa brings some great ideas to the table, but ultimately fails to do anything meaningful or creative with them. While the graphics and music are really great, and the gameplay passable, the biggest flaw is the writing.

In my opinion, two things are necessary for the death-game format to work well; fun characters and solid mysteries. This game has neither. Nearly every character - out of the initial 15 - feels purposefully written to be as obnoxious and boring as possible. By the end of the game, I'd only connected with three of them, two of which had died early on. And if you're not invested in the cast, it's difficult to care when someone dies.

I also thought the intrigue just...wasn't there. Admittedly, I might be spoiled by the zero escape series, but Danganronpa never felt like it could focus on a secret long enough to build it up. Any time a new, mysterious, paranoia-inducing twist is hinted at, it's inevitably revealed in the next hour. You don't spend hours wondering who a masked participant really is, or find a weird clue that rattles around in your head until its relevant twenty hours later. It's all disappointingly simple.

Danganronpa - putting it bluntly - is baby's first death-game. That's not a bad thing, and indeed, I don't think Danganronpa is a bad game in isolation. You can have fun with it, and I can see why its a cult-classic. But if you're already familiar with the genre before you play it, Danganronpa feels a bit disappointing. All it does is wet your appetite, and make you wish you were playing your personal favorites. And while Danganronpa does pull some good story beats in its final hours, its not enough.

If you've never played a death-game before, and you want a friendlier starting point, I'd say give Danganronpa a try. And if you're a bored teenager who wants to try Danganronpa out because you like the aesthetic, then give it a shot. But if you're not particularly interested in the art or music, and if you've already played similar games before, I'd say Danganronpa is an easy pass.

Miles in this game is a fantastic Spider-man even though the game was short. He is also OP AF compared to Peter. The Tinkerer is a smart person constantly making not smart person decisions.