this is color splash if it had good writing, good characters, and a battle system that makes me want to pull out my hair a bit less. hte rings were really clever and a fun time, if a bit mundane at times. i liked the writing and the music quite a bit, and it looks better than color splash. doesnt stack up to the first 3 at all tho, sorry

beautiful game, gorgeous soundtrack, great controls, incredible story and gameplay. the celestial brush technique is a stroke of genius. the art style and direction of this game are perfect. best way to play it is HD on the Switch: the motion controls are really good there and you can take it with you. This is a must play game; one of if not the best video games of all time.

one of the most visually captivating video games of all time, now in HD (bonus points if its on Switch with motion controls and portable: i finished it on an amtrak train LMAO.) See:

THE BEST ONE!!!!!!!!!!

incredibly fun kart mechanics, iconic and fun stages, bikes are awesome, everyhitng just feels so perfect. also, id you mod your wii there's a really happenin' mod/online scene going on, go check it out

THE DS VERSION - it's like sonic rush/adventure but not quite as good. very fun 2d sonic game, kinda better than the wii one. play this if you're sad about colors ult.

good game, fun music and atmosphere, a little bit short

this is a 1:1 recreation of katamari damacy in HD. Amazing must play game, We Love Katamari is the best one.

A spinoff of the rhythm-game pioneer PaRappa The Rapper, featuring better gameplay. The story is unique and incredible, and mastering the ways of Parappa-type gameplay is a very very fun journey. Can be hard; hasn't aged the best. Great soundtrack, great visual design, deserves more recognition.

The pioneer of rhythm games as a whole: parappa the rapper is a very fun (but very very aged: watch out) rhythm game filled with fun music and wonderful charm. a playstation classic. the psp version is cool too becuase widpescreenf

longer, better controlling, better looking, and overall just better than it's dreamcast prequel. amazing game (but can still be kinda janktown)

hell yeah shoutout to cube from jet set radio

really fun game: the dreamcast version is just as good as the HD ports. controls and mnechanics are kinda jank and haven't aged very well and can get hard to play/get into if you aren't intrested. still very fun and awesome game

controls better than Deluxe. Perfect game: 4.5 stars because Deluxe is 5 stars (see:

hated every fucking minute of it. shit plot, meh charachters (yeah i love toad), garbtastical gameplay (i hate cards i hate cards i hate cards). the best part was the soundtrack. play origami king instead that game is Decent. or better yet, p[lay any of the first 3 and enjoy video games

one of the most beautiful and most atmospheric games of all time. i can't believe i never heard anyone talking about this. challenging and rewarding, complex and strategic. amazing soundtrack, amazing design, amazing gameplay. the only flaw is that it's wii u counterpart controls better (this game and the gamepad were made for eachother) but it is still very good to control with the gyro methods provided. (i ripped this game's entire OST: check it out

huge emotional attatchment to this game; i've had it since i was like 10. My favorite RPG, my favorite Paper Mario, my favorite ____, my favorite game. Play it for yourself; don't buy into the shitty gamecube nintendofan shithole rn, just play it on Dolphin (it runs great) Great writing, charachters, gameplay, soundtrack, everything.