Games I Abandoned In My Childhood

Games that, for whatever reason, I never finished as a kid, and still haven't ever gone back to. Some of them because I was a dumb kid who couldn't figure out how to progress, others because they probably were just bad or very boring. I feel like it would be fun to revisit these some day, since it's always fascinating to find out what exactly kept you from finishing a game. The order here is "remembering games as I go", so it's kind of nonsensical.

I literally found this game in the forest behind my backyard, and either couldn't figure out or could not be bothered to make it past the first screen.
Older brother owned this one, I remember just not being able to parse anything, I was like 3 or 4 trying to figure out what was happening.
I have no idea how I came to own this game. Played one level of it and was so incredibly turned off by it as a kid I never touched it again.
Picked up a used copy of this from Gamestop, it had not cover and I didn't recognize the name, it was just purely a throw of the dice I made for some reason. I got like, maybe 15 hours in before I just straight up did not know what to do and gave up. Seemed pretty interesting honestly, even though I think I was bad at it, interested in checking out the first game.
Another one where I just got hopelessly stuck on one part and never figured out how to progress past it. Honestly was enjoying this game up to that point, so maybe I'll play it again to figure out what exactly was stopping me.
Great game but the last part of the campaign here is some of the most frustrating shit I've ever tried to do in a video game, do not feel like ever trying to finish it.
This is a game I watched my neighbor play a couple times, bought it and started two different playthroughs throughout my childhood, and didn't make it more than halfway in both playthroughs. I feel like I remember the reason being that I was very bored by the game at that point, but I do want to see what the rest of this game is at some point.
I don't know why I bought this game I literally did not finish a single level of it.
Got this game used at Gamestop, felt my child-self falling asleep at how boring it was. Do NOT want to go back to it.
Another game I have no idea how it got into my collection. Doesn't seem that good, but multiplayer was decently fun enough that I would like to at least try the single player again.
Bomberman Hero My Beloved, some day I will finish you.
Gift from my older brother. We had fun in multiplayer after putting in the code to unlock all characters, but single player was way too hard for me to figure out, and the game wasn't fun enough to control that I want to figure it out.
OK so I know people have said this game is bad and it probably is, but I was so fascinated by it as a kid that I REALLY wanna know what the story mode is like.
OK, so for some reason when you go to save and load your game in Nicktoons Unite, it's incredibly easy to accidentally delete your save, and it happened to me and my little brother twice, so I never got far in this game.
Don't know why I bought this game, I've literally never seen LOTR and this game was just immediately boring to me, probably not going back to any time soon.
Was playing this game alone with no GBA connected, so not the ideal way to experience, but I love this game's look, world, and music enough that I wanna try it again some day.
Cool game but no part of me feels like trying to beat single player.
Part of the Sonic Mega Collection. Honestly enjoyed what I played of this game but could never get far, I do want to go back and finish it soon.
I'm just going to lump Mario Tennis on N64 and Gamecube with this one, couldn't get far in either game in terms of single player, for some reason I just was not capable of keeping up with the CPU in any of them. This game in particular I'd like to try again.
I got to the final FINAL boss in this game and simply could not get past it. I'm pretty sure I could do it now, so I'm dying to get back to this and the Mystery Dungeon series in general. Also I stole this game from a kid who went to my church, Lord forgive me.
Another fighting game story mode that I thought was really cool, even if I'm bad at the game I'd really like to try it again some day because the whole board game structure of it really caught my attention as a kid.
Story mode in this one is actually pretty cool, but I'm bad at fighting games so I didn't get far.
Every time I've tried revisiting this one it's just been a totally frustrating and unenjoyable experience, farthest I've gotten was the underwater boss, and that's as much as I could stomach. It stinks!
Could never finish anything beyond Team Sonic and Team Rose, I feel like this deserves a revisit. I've always been kind of negative on it but maybe there's something here.
I couldn't beat the first Blitzball game and got so mad I never played it again. Over the years I've realized that this is a me problem and not the game's problem.


The only information I gained from this list is that you played a lot of licensed games.

3 years ago

@SuperSpeedRaven childhood is the perfect time to play licensed games, I'll have you know

3 years ago

please do play ristar all the way through, it's worth it

3 years ago

ristar pokemon mystery dungeon final fantasy X PLEASE

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