Fucking dookie game bruh. They rereleased the same game, made it worse, added a battlepass and called it a sequel šŸ’€

Absolute dookie.

Also, why does this run like a powerpoint slideshow on the only console it was made for? How do they keep getting away with releasing shit?

This is one of those games that only comes around once in a lifetime.
I bought Baldurā€™s Gate 3 on a whim, having never played anything like it, I thought ā€œwhat could I lose?ā€. After spending 156 hours with this story, growing attached to these characters, now that Iā€™ve finished it, I feel empty.
Absolutely incredible. A genre defining piece of media, a game of a generation, a masterpiece.

A masterpiece anti-war story about obsession and the human condition.
The repeat missions in chapter 2 were infuriating, but definitely worth it for the story.

A wonderful story with a beautiful ending.

Some segments dragged on a little and took me out of it e.g. Ironwood but doesnā€™t take away from the overall experience.

A beautiful end for the God of War

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Really thought we were gonna discover ASAP Rocky was ā€˜Alecā€™ the big bad, but heā€™s for real just there as ASAP Rocky lmao

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RIP BT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Wrote this review for a job application šŸ’€
Might as well put it here as well.

ā€œIt was greed. Human greed.ā€ Is one of the final lines we hear Jill Valentine speak as she is helicoptered out of a now nuked Racoon City. After completing the game in a mere 4 hours, I canā€™t help but feel this quote sums up my thoughts on 2020ā€™s Resident Evil 3 Remake.

2019 saw Capcom release Resident Evil 2 a remake of the 1998 original, to huge success; selling 11.2 million copies as of December 2022. It was a faithful recreation of its counterpart, while straying away, ever so slightly to be able to stand on its own. Yes it had its flaws, but for the most part RE2 was a solid experience.
A year later from RE2ā€™s release, Resident Evil 3 Remake is put out into the world, and met with poor reception from fans, touting it not worth the play. Do I feel the same?

Lets start with the good. The game looks great. The RE Engineā€™s graphic capabilities shine bright, its a solid step up from RE2, with the more open environments taking full advantage. The neon lights of Racoon City shine in all their glory. The environments, lighting and especially the characters, are all a pleasure to look at.

With both RE2 & 3 taking place in Racoon City, the parallel storylines is a nice to have. Playing both entries, back to back, itā€™s interesting to see the little details shared & nods to one another. Having said that, some areas feel a little too familiar, more on that later.

The gameplay mechanics have also seen a decent ā€˜half-stepā€™ up from RE2. There arenā€™t leaps and bounds of improvements, but things do feel refined and tightened up overall. Nothing more to say.

Now how about the bad? There is very little story to RE3, it boils down to escape Racoon City, get set off-track by plot point 1 & plot point 2: deceptive soldier edition, then back to escape Racoon City. Which didnā€™t feel engaging and at times felt more like a chore. ā€ØThe pacing is poor, some moments felt abrupt & jarring. Nicole Tompkins (Jill) & Jeff Schine (Carlos) do their best with the writing they were given and turn in respectable performances. Yes, Resident Evil is supposed to be campy, but here it missed the mark, feeling more stupid than over exaggerated fun.

The gameā€™s Big Bad, Nemesis, and his boss fights are mediocre to say the least. For being the gameā€™s main antagonist, he poses very little threat. Reduced to nothing but chase scenes where you push up on the left stick and boring shoot, wait, shoot, wait and shoot again ā€˜fightsā€™, if you can call them that, I was left wanting more. ā€Ø
While yes both RE2 & RE3 take place in the same city, the environments that are different, in actual fact donā€™t feel different at all. Which does not help when trying to set the two games apart. Leaving me feeling that instead of a sequel, RE3 is more of a full priced DLC. ā€Ø
So, do I agree with the gameā€™s poor reception? In some aspects yes. Overall, I didnā€™t mind my time with Resident Evil 3, it leaves much to be desired but I donā€™t think it deserves all the flak it gets. Itā€™s a gorgeous looking game that ties in well with its predecessor. It features tightened up gameplay mechanics that make it a better experience, but its bland story, terrible action sequences and devastatingly short run time are itā€™s downfall. With RE2ā€™s huge success, you canā€™t help but wonder if releasing RE3 one year later, was nothing more than a cash grab?
