Easy 5 stars if you are into drifting and “frustration games”. The game is nails, it’s not pick up and play. It’s pick up, master the mechanics, start playing the game.

You have to get good at the basic mechanics before this game will be fun to play. If you don’t want to get over the learning curve, then you won’t find it enjoyable and you shouldn’t buy it.

The art style is pure class. It looks and feels like a giant canvas and your tyre marks are like paint brushes. Colour is sparsely used and highlights important obstacles / points of interest.

The drifting is spot on and when you hit the zen state of flowing through every corner effortlessly with the perfect throttle and angle you’ll be blown away by how simple and rewarding this game is.

Now, obviously this isn’t 5 stars in the same way a AAA game may be, but it’s 5 stars for it’s niche, gameplay loop and perfect execution of what this game set out to do.

Review may be super biased as I have the Platinum.

Much like Absolute Drift, this a frustration game. You have to get good before the game is fun, keep that in mind.

As somewhat of a sequel, this game nailed everything I wanted to see. It took Absolute Drifts driving style and applied it to rally stages from around the world. A huge plus.

The cars on offer aren’t branded or anything like that, but the attention to detail and documenting of rallying culture / history is great from a little indie title. I see Lancia, Ford, VW etc all referenced.

The locations (and subsequent changes in track conditions) are beautifully done. Each location feeling unique (with the dual sense literally feeling unique in vibration patterns), true to it’s real life location and different from all the other tracks.

Overall a niche game for enthusiasts of psuedo procedurally generated tracks, rallying and mechanically challenging games.

This is a true Rogue-Like game. Procedurally generated, every day a daily challenge that is seeded for everyone and play time limited by your skill and nothing else.

Flying through obstacles, tight gaps and explosions feels and looks amazing. The simplicity of controls means you can pick up and play whenever and it will feel intuitive.

This is an old game, so keep that in mind if playing in the present. It won’t blow you away with graphics etc, but it’s simplicity and break neck speed will have you wanting just one more go.

Am removing a star for some of the obstacles being seemingly impossible without prior knowledge. E.g choosing a particular path will lead to a section that looks like a dead end until the last minute when the blocks rise to create small openings.

Also removing half a star for leaderboard hackers who have scores that equate to days of continual play.

Must buy at under £5 , buy if you like arcade fun and resetting a lot at under £10

Who knew mountain biking and procedurally generated went so well together?

This game is great for biking enthusiasts and those who want a challenging title with biking depth sprinkled in. You can pump, bunny hop, throw tricks, bail in a rag doll fashion and absolutely send some huge jumps.

Liquid dnb is non offensively there and i feel it matches the game quite well.

It’s rather genius that the game basically has a random seed for each “lobby” meaning that once you start a run, anyone who started that seem run will get the same set of procedurally generated tracks. This means seeing people on the first track is a given, seeing someone in the 3rd biome + is a rarity but feels wholesome.

The game does have some jank to it and sometimes it can feel a bit reset heavy but overall these are skill issues most of the time.

Under £9 ish worth a buy if intrigued. £19.99 or around that only if you love mountain biking, procedurally generated games and somewhat initially steep learning curves.

Having said that, the amount of content on offer is staggering. There are 2 campaigns, daily challenge, pre-made bike parks, custom made bike parks, challenges, unlocks and secrets to discover.

If on the fence, go for it. There is enough here to justify your purchase.

This is a 5 star for 14p or whatever this game cost me. It’s essentially a couch play 2d golf game (up to 8 people?!) where everything is modifiable. Want to make the balls into bananas? Sure. Mines everywhere? Yep. Everyone has a random ball with random gravity? Of course.

Don’t want to play standard golf? No worries check out the huge amount of game modes we have.

This game is limited by your experimentation, the more you customise the game to how you want to play it the better it will be.

Value for money is insane. Will you ever play this by yourself? No, but it will be a great game to keep on the ssd anytime you want mindless fun with friends. Under £1 a must buy, wouldn’t ever pay more than £5 at the absolute upper limit.

Why no 5 star then? Well its not that amazing of a game, it lacks depth etc but it is incredible value for money and will pay for it’s self 10 fold in laughs you’ll have.

For a game about sword fighting aquatic creatures there is a hidden depth here but make no mistake. This is a dumb, enjoyable party game that is best experienced with multiple people in couch coop and at no other time.

Fuck this game for how hard it is.

You need the organisational skills of a survivalist professional to play this for any length of time. During in-game summer you need to start prepping for winter time or you’ll starve, freeze etc. You are always against the clock and any time spent not prepping is time lost that will get you killed in a few in-game days.

Got defences against wolves? Nope, see your run later. Not found the beefalo before about day 5? GG.

It’s a fantastic game with incredible depth, true Rogue-Like mechanics and is fittingly punishing as a result but there is a reason I play this a few times a year and not more regularly. I can’t take the heart break of losing a deep run because I didn’t foresee the thing that would kill me or didn’t prep for a few in game seasons prior.

Ultimately, its all a skill issue problem and my fragile ego can’t take it.

Great survival indie rogue-like game, don’t play unless you can deal with the frustration, incredibly stupidly crazy steep learning curve or you are prepared to study youtube for a bit.

If you paid for this game… take your L and move on.

Moving to f2p was huge in keeping the longevity in this game. Sadly it brought over the monetisation that was also needed to sustain it. Bitter sweet as a result.

Overall the game is fun, a spiritual successor to Doritos crash course in my opinion and worth a play as a result.

It just isn’t fun after a few games, largely repetitive, hackers ruining games etc. Like many games, its better with friends but it still could never be a main game for anyone but the most casual of video game players.

Was actually a really fun, competitive, 2d platform racer. Not a real genre, but you get the premise.

Considering this was a free game (which at the time was unheard of) it was so packed with content and replayability.

A little simplistic, but it didn’t stop it being a great time waster. Surprised it took so long for someone to somewhat revive the premise with Fallguys.

The reimagining of the gameshow but on a gaming platform. Genius. I’m surprised this never made a comeback considering how popular it was.

I would love to see this make a return in the near future.

I am really enjoying this game. It is so hard though, even on easy i’m getting wrecked.

Its a cross between an RTS and a Rogue-like but on a significantly smaller scale. Combat is simplistic and it feels more like a old text based game, that doesn’t make it bad in any way though.

It is a Rogue-like game so be prepared for RNG to dictate portions of your runs. Also be prepared to see the same events etc as you play through.

Its a really good game, my only problem is the lack of content. I recently bought this for £5 or so and it was well worth the money however I had completed the main game in under 3 hours. The style of the game and especially the scoring system means you could play this game chasing high scores but I imagine that is unlikely.

Having said that, its a unique title that puts a spin on the twin stick shooter genre. The combo system is also intriguing if not a background thought for me. I can see people getting really good at this and performing long combos, but I just wanted to finish the game, not optimise it.

If on sale, worth a pick up to experience the gore, short story line and unique presentation. Just wish it was longer or had some kind of infinitely replayable mode like a procedurally generated tower of rooms etc.

EDIT: Sound track is also amazing

I can normally get sucked into idle games like this. The excitement of watching everything become automated, watching numbers get incredibly big etc

But I've done it all before in every other game just like this. Unless I missed something, this game is as boring as other idle games in the genre.

Stars simply for how long I played it before realising I was slipping into the hole of watching numbers get bigger and being drip fed progression that didn't change gameplay.

Nothing more than a sandbox environment where you can pit any type of creature, human, object etc against another in combat. Everything is automated so you can just watch an interesting fight. Novelty wears off pretty fast though and you'll be wondering why you bought it.

This may of also melted my graphics card, unsure but at times I just couldn't render everything despite having a beefy PC.

Genre defining.

This game is timeless and that's proven by its sticking power and the fact that no other game has really managed to be as impactful when it comes to zombies.

Everything was beautifully crafted to enable the maximum amount of fun and teamwork even with randoms. Having said that the game is obviously better with people you know.

The AI director is a great system that dynamically changes the game dependent on what you have done and how you are doing. This makes the AI feel more organic in the way it approaches and swarms you.

Being made a year after it's predecessor and still being this good is criminal. Games space development out to 3/4 years and still don't make games this well.

Often on sale for about £2 it is a must play. Even at £20 for how old the game is, there is still value there just make sure you rope 3 other people into it for maximum enjoyment.