Its a really good game my main criticism is with the lack of content but considering the game is free (with the option to buy the soundtrack to support the devs if you want) I can't really complain.

It has the movement and shooting of Gungeon, the bonfires from Dark souls, the healing from Hollow Knight and a sense of Metroidvania exploration for new abilities and power ups.

It comes together to make a mechanically very sound and incredible game that everyone needs to play. If this had more content, it would be an easy contender for 5 stars.

All the makings of a great indie classic on par with Binding are here, we just need significantly more of it.

This is a quirky little hockey game that has simple movement based controls. I.E You need to flick your mouse or analogue stick to hit the puck, pass, shoot what ever.

It controls terribly, however, I've seen people do feints, shift side to side and have great control over the puck so this is most definitely a skill issue. Problem is I'm probably not gonna play it long enough to overcome that.

You can tell that it is a good concept, its just mechanically too complicated (weirdly enough) to ever have main stream appeal. Worth playing as its free, but can't see it changing into a indie gem or a must play game for everyone.

Alright, £ spent per hour of enjoyment gets this game a higher rating than it really deserves. If you have to pay upwards of £3/4 then it loses another star straight away.

Its very simple, move around the screen and don't allow anything to hit you. Attacking is automatic so you just need to focus on movement.

Pick up new items that give you access to new attacks with some of these items having synergies that unlock when you max out an item by picking it up repeatedly.

There are a few different biomes, many different monsters to fight and things to unlock, but overall the gameplay loop just never changes and as a result the game can get relatively repetitive and stale quite quickly.

Its one of those games that you'll never delete from your library, but you'll play it once in a blue moon just because you forgot about it.

Once again, only 4 stars because it is so cheap, any more expensive and it would go down to 3.

Hitman is obviously a great series of games and bringing all 3 of the modern titles into one collection has made the franchise accessible to more people as the episodic releases were a bit hard to get into.

The writing for this game when on missions is fantastic, npc interactions with each-other are meaningful, organic and help to progress the player whilst providing alternate methods for observant players.

Gameplay is tight, with agent 47 controlling so well and feeling as fluid as ever.

Freelancer mode is also a game changer. It drastically switches up how you play the game and gets you away from the standard suit only silent assassin runs. You’ll make mistakes, end up in shoot outs and generally just try to survive this mode rather than perfecting it.

Having heaped praise, the game is predominantly losing half a star for these 3 things…

Beginning in Hitman 2 the cutscenes just become images with voiceovers. What happened to the fully voiced videos that were acted? The final scene of Hitman 1 was gripping, removing these impacted the story.

The AI is still goofy, how can I panic a guard and then withdraw a sniper rifle in my suit without consequences? In the same way, how can a guard sometimes see me through walls etc? Its consistent enough, but frustrating when “Hitman bullshit” ruins your run.

And lastly how much of this game is gated behind DLC? Every time you unlock something, it seems to only be applicable if you have the DLC of which there appear to be so many. Bundle it together please.

A must play, even at full price. The value and replay-ability is there.

Considering it followed such a good game, this is awful.

Every level is crammed full of human enemies that just waste resources. Shooting is so underdeveloped yet so heavily relied on as a way to progress the game that it is just painful, boring and annoying.

So many levels aren't even based inside tombs or anywhere of archaeological importance. The first level is like a partial castle and then it just reverts to being inside structures or canals etc. It just isn't fun to play.

Like why are we going to an underground submarine base? Why are there no pyramids in like the first 10 levels?

The idea that you have to wait until 9/10 levels in for it to get good is just criminal and I refuse to slog through such a bad opener to get "to the good bit".

Tomb Raider 1 was straight banger after banger of a level and considering this came out a year later the contrast between the two is astounding.

This is such an obvious cash grab to cash in on the success of TR1 that I'm perplexed that anyone thinks this is the best of the original trilogy.

You may have fond memories of locking the butler in the fridge, but this game is rubbish.

The only redeeming quality is that even with the crappy locations, they still managed to sprinkle glimpses of that original tomb raider level design in.

The two stars are pretty much for that alone and its beyond generous.

Shelved for now and will consider a rereview if I can ever be bothered to slog through it.

Edit: I checked the level list, maybe 5 can be considered actual tombs etc out of 18. Game is getting abandoned.

This is the perfect example of a game that you are happy to receive for free as part of a monthly free games or in a bundle but isn't something you want to pay for with your own money. £12 is just too steep for what this game is.

The game is incredibly short, i.e complete in 2 hours or less short, but length isn't necessarily an indicator of quality. The main drawback this game has is that I fear it's humour, art style and some of the music would be downright annoying if you were exposed to it for too long.

The game is heavily referential of gamer culture in general and can come off as cringe and try hard at times especially with its jokes. It's almost like it was written to be intentionally bad to be ironically funny.

Boss fights are fine considering the limited amount of mechanics on offer but the games real shortcoming is that it is just go here, hit this thing with sword, bring me back its drop and do it again.

This is kind of OK if you get the game for free, but if I paid the £12 I would be furious.

There are a few 100% completionist extras in game but I couldn't be bothered to find the last couple of documents to see these additional areas. I doubt there is anything that is going to drastically add or remove stars in there so it doesn't really matter.

Stars are purely for that one sound track that was amazing and the world building. Talking vegetables rambling about taxes and the IRS is quite unique.

Full price, game is 1 star.
For free, game is 2.5 stars as it has potential to be a bigger and more content rich game that could address some of the short comings.

Its Battlefield turned into an Arena/class based shooter and it works really well. I was enjoying my time with the closed beta a lot.

It feels like the developers took all the best bits of the last decade of shooters and put them all together into a game.

Running away and reviving teammates is Apex esque whilst the team fights feel like Overwatch 1 back in the day with a brawly nature that centers around moving your heavy about the map and keeping them alive.

It does have its problems though. Gunplay is fine, but it's lacking responsiveness at times. You can get deleted in this game if you aren't careful and it feels like this can happen a lot even as the heavy with the most health.

The environmental design around bottomless pits is also problematic. In too many fights will you see someone jump to their death because these areas aren't clearly signposted in a gameplay kind of way. Caution tape over these gaps might help identification on the fly.

Controversially the game might also benefit from a role queue system. There are too people wanting to play the light because it has the best traversal in what are relatively big maps.

Competitive play focuses around the utility that each class brings and a team that is lacking that utility isn't fun to be on.

Lastly, flame throwers are too strong. They go through shields and because it is CC (crowd control) it also has a high dps potential split over a whole team. It needs legitimate counter play up close.

Overall the game has the foundation of a really good competitive shooter but I fear it wont reach and maintain the mainstream appeal it will need to be successful.

Overall the game is good and holds up on a playthrough 2 decades later but it does have some flaws that may or may not be forgivable due to this games age.

Primarily combat, its just not good and all the fighting sections of this game feel like a massive slog. In the last 10% of the game (according to the game's save file percentage) you start being able to one shot enemies which feels cleaner, but is a poor substitute for spending so long with sub par combat. Maybe a product of its time and this may of even been considered revolutionary but minus half star.

The overall plot is 4 star worthy, but the the prince's spoken internal monologue is a bit outdated in the way that it speaks about women. It's more like a child pretending he doesn't like a girl at school stating that "you have to show them (women) who's boss or they'll walk all over you." Maybe pedantic but felt shitty to hear and is just poor writing. Minus half star.

The puzzles and level design all beautifully work together to produce the template for what adventure/action games with platforming elements should be. Every part of a level is used and the complexity of the puzzle platforming in the spaces is welcome, if not a bit linear.

The movement is what sets this game apart and makes it so enjoyable to play. Wall running, swinging and leaping from horizontal poles, the wall jumps/kicks and dodging the various traps is what keeps this game interesting and ticking over.

Also of note is how poor the PC port of this game is, the fog glitch is annoying to fix even if it took only 5 seconds to fix, controller support is minimal (because its a 20 year old game) and the resolutions are all boxy and look horrible on modern monitors.

None of this is going to effect the rating though as I feel like these are platform specific but worth noting.

Overall, worth a playthrough at any time and at a price of £10 or below especially if you've never played a modern-ish Prince of Persia title.

If this isn't your first time, maybe play a slightly later title as it addresses some of the flaws of this game whilst keeping the same overall flavour.

Rereview: Having just played and completed it I felt like it was due a rereview. Its actually pretty good and I've upgraded it to 4 stars. It has everything that is missing from modern games.

Purposeful Co-op that feels like the intended way to play the game, a variety of gameplay types I.E horror, on rails shooter, driving segments etc all packaged into what is a pretty mediocre B movie plot but it just works so well that I was screaming whenever a villain was on screen "shoot them already, why all this talking."

I also feel that playing this outside of its era has actually made the game better with time. Without the saturation of these types of games, this feels much better to play and even fresh.

The insane action elements of it are actually way more toned down then I remember. Yes Chris still hooks a boulder, but most of the stuff he does is grounded in at-least Resident Evils' reality. I even think the zombie horror elements are still there especially when tank controls are taken into account.

Defo worth a play (only in co-op mind) if you've not played before or you are looking for a refresher. £10 or under. Don't play it by yourself, it will significantly reduce the fun.


Essentially Tony Hawks Pro Skater but with a car and without any of the polish, finesse or complexity. You'll have fun with this game if you play it in short bursts when there is absolutely nothing else on offer.

Spinning a car, or doing flips in it should be fun, but somehow this just feels like a mess and poorly optimised. Its probably a passable if not stupid time waste if you can get a few people on a couch play session. Having said that, most games are better when played with someone else so it can't really be a redeeming feature.

A weird little game that is fine if you get it for free, but should otherwise be considered shovelware if you pay actual money for it. Buy at 50p and under but honestly, I'm debating even that.

Its a very pretty game and I did enjoy playing it but it is stupidly short and yet most of it is filler. Its a good thing they added in a boss rush mode afterwards because its really the only bit worth playing.

For me, if the whole game was the first chapter of maybe 3 or so, I would feel better about the game. Its length is so short that I've just clocked it in 1 sitting and that is a shame considering you unlock your last ability and go straight into the final fight.

Combat is very basic, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's more simple in a deliberate way that makes you worry about your timing of attacks etc.

The biggest criticism of this game is that a lot of it is just empty space and walking towards your next objective. The levels where you collect the runes are so sparse and devoid of stuff to do it.

Only one level really bucks this trend and its because you are swarmed with enemies. Going forward I was expecting each new biome to contain more enemies to fight in a similar fashion but they were just mostly empty.

The secrets are merely chop something to find an entrance, or walk through a hidden tunnel and that is kind of ok for a isometric camera angle but it feels thoroughly underwhelming.

Contrary to others, I like that the map is so obtuse and won't tell you where you are. You need to work out the landmarks and where you are in relation to them. I can see why everyone else hates this system though.

Also of note is the tree level. The map is actually useless due to no real landmarks to reference. Everyone's complaints boil down to "You go exploring with this map that isn't really that helpful and then find nothing" and they are 100% right.

Really disappointing to say the least.

For free, its an afternoon of fun. If paying, I think this is reserved for sales at about £6 but about £3/4 would be the sweet spot.

Basic mini golf game with a variety of courses, some from the team 17 universe and a few other themed versions. Overall its a good game, but minigolf has been done to death at this point and this isn't really going to be a game changer.

As the name would suggest, the game is far better when you play it with people you know. Worth a buy at maybe under £5 but its hard to justify anything above that.

For a port of a mobile game, this was actually really fun to play and optimise. Its a top down system where you uncover the fog of war by moving your swat team about and giving them instructions.

Flash your way into rooms, breach and clear or just have a shootout. You can draw out a complete action plan and watch it unfold which makes the game feel like a series of complex puzzles to solve with an intuitive set of controls.

Its simplicity in execution but relatively complex situations is what keeps it playable and easy to understand whilst challenging and fun. It even has coop for a bit of online chaos with a friend. Trying to come up with a one-plan run is chaotic enough but is the core loop that will keep you playing.

Maybe not worth the lofty prices that it regularly sells for, but < £5 there is more than enough content to be worth the price.

P.S possibly more of a steam deck or little secondary game than your primary game.

Trials HD was such an iconic title of the early Xbox live arcade era that when I saw it was bundled with Evolution it was a must purchase for me.

Trials is obviously just a tilty bike game, but its the level of detail in the tracks, the overall bike feel and the curated nature of the levels that bring the whole game together as a good arcade experience that we are sadly lacking a lot of in the modern era.

It even goes one step further and includes mini skill games and an organic tutorial system in the form of licenses alongside a few customisation options that aren't ground breaking but are good additions.

It is obviously an old game, the online is due to be taken away in Jan 2024 and it is too expensive at its £20 price point which overall is why the game is losing a star.

Having said the above, the modern trials games lost the flavour, passion and excellent level design that these older games had. Maybe this is a nostalgia bias review, but this era of games (particularly HD) was some of the best gameplay the series had.

If it was <£7 I would be leaving this at 4 1/2 stars but since it is £20 normally, I can't justify that rating.

You'd think that a third instalment of the classic Borderlands formula would be amazing and it just isn't. The most obvious thing that is lacking is the writing. It's just awful. They took the same writing structure as the first couple of games but missed what made them funny and enjoyable.

The main antagonists are a perfect example of this. They are thoroughly unlikeable in a manner that means I just don't care enough about defeating them. Who's idea was it to make them into a bunch of live streamers with cringy dialogue and constant throw backs to memed on gamer culture.

The 3 stars are largely for the Borderlands combat. Im not really a story driven person, preferring gameplay it, but I didn't realise how much motivation it gave me to actually see these games through. Without a good story, this feels like a rather generic shooter and Borderlands really shouldn't.

Like the other titles, its best played in co-op and this is largely where all the fun is to be had with this game. It's worth a play if you are heavily invested, but I doubt this one will keep you coming back or give you those memorable moments.

I've played just under 18 hours and I couldn't tell you where I've been, who I've really fought or for what reason I'm doing it. It really is disappointing but I can't recommend this game because I got really bored of it.

I might finish it one day, but only with friends and only to say I have. I couldn't care less about the story or anything else. Buyable at <£15 but more to experience it for yourself rather than to own it. If you can borrow this from a friend, it would be preferable to buying it.