Loved this game when I was younger and need to finish it off

Damn! This game is a masterpiece from start to finish. Every character is well written and this game is probably the most detailed game I have ever played. Arthur Morgan is definitely in my top ten favourite characters

This game was the first soulsborne game that I played and boy I was not ready for what this game put me through. The first few hours are really challenging for new players but once you have mastered the combat, with enough patience this game can actually be quite easy. When you start a second play through you obliterate the first bosses like they are nothing. Definitely worth a play through and maybe one day I’ll give the dlc a go.

After playing the game the first time it was easily a personal favourite. And playing it through a second time on a harder difficulty made me love it even more. And the dlcs were good enough to be their on own stand alone game in my opinion. Definitely worth a play through but be warned it will take you a while to finish due to the fact that there is so much to do.

Absolutely loved this game! It is definitely my favourite and playing it on the hardest difficulty on ng+ was an amazing challenge. Can’t wait for the next game in the franchise!