Very good game with a good story.


This is better than most of Kojima's actual, full-fledged games

The art style is nice, but that is what I feel carries most HD-2D games. I heard the sequel and Triangle Strategy improved the stories compared to other HD-2D games, but I'm not interested.

I finished this on Switch before it came out and it was a lot better than I was expecting. I'm now replaying the game on hard mode and high speed mode on my PS5. This is definitely one of the better 3D Sonic games.

I was expecting this to be nice, but overrated. But it really do be one of the best stories in gaming.

I've never written a review on here but 343 screwed up so bad I had to rate this half a star (deserves 0 stars, though). This is one of the worst games I've ever played. This series is dead and I don't think anything can save it.

Platinum's best combat. The story isn't very good but it is funny and meme-able.

The gameplay is great but it is a really short game.

I heard mixed things about this game but after finishing it I feel that it is one of the best in terms of its story. It was a perfect end for Kiryu (at the time at least lol) and this has one of the best stories. I can see why people would not like the gameplay, though. The gameplay can feel lackluster compared to the games before it. Also, Kiwami 2 is an improved version of the Dragon engine as well but to people playing in order will have played that first making 6 seem like a downgrade. Although, I still enjoyed the gameplay and would consider this one of the best in the series.

Finally, a movement shooter to surpass Titanfall 2.
Atlus wishes they could make games as good as this.

The Marathon trilogy's story is amazing. I wish Halo and Destiny were this good. However, I'm still not a big fan of old school shooters so I give this a 4/5 star rating.

Very fun game with a lot of content. The story is the best out of the Remastered trilogy but the dreams and Shinada's segment hold it back a bit. The gameplay is very fun and I would consider it as good as 0.

The story isn't too bad until the end, and the gameplay is fun and is a huge improvement over Blockuza 3.

The story is the best in the series, but the gameplay feels like a downgrade from the second game.