The gameplay was pretty fun and the humor was nice and not as bad as Twitter makes it out to be.

However, this game is heavily held back by being a live service game and canon to the Arkham series. My brother and I played it together and were enjoying the game until the "end" where we learned gotta wait for the rest of the seasons to finish the story. We assumed we were gonna have to fight the other 12 Braniacs, but when the credits started rolling, we were surprised. I even thought it was a fake out credits scene just to be funny because the story ended so abruptly. Also, there are many inconsistencies with this games story and the Arkham games which wouldn't really have been a problem if they had decided to not consider it canon to the Arkham-verse.

Joryu is a cool, new protagonist. I still miss Kiryu though. The ending almost made my cry.

Note: I only watched a summary of this game.
It is a very nice start to the arc, and even better than Sky FC as an intro.

Possibly the best fighting game ever honestly

I used to love the Storm series ever since the first game released, and even since the first Ultimate Ninja on PS2. I would get so hyped when a new game was coming out, but i didn't really feel anything when this got announced. Maybe because the initial reveal was bad, Budokai Tenkaichi 4 overshadowing it, Boruto existing, or just growing out of these games after waiting 7 years since Storm 4 released. If you're looking for more multi-player battles, then this is the best Storm game. The gameplay is the most refined in the series so far. The single-player content is pretty disappointing, possibly one of the worst in the series. Everything you unlock is used primarily for online battles as this is a mostly multi-player oriented game. It feels like a cash grab, and possibly an "in between" game before Storm 5.

After playing the Rebirth demo, I feel the need to call this game dogshit again


They fixed the game a bit now.

Great game. Pretty much everything was a huge improvement from the 2018 game. The story was more ambitious/grand and the gameplay was significantly better.

The Marathon trilogy's story is amazing. I wish Halo and Destiny were this good. However, I'm still not a big fan of old school shooters so I give this a 4/5 star rating.

This has my favorite gameplay in the series but the story was kinda underwhelming. Lost Judgment is a big improvement upon the first game, and the entire Yakuza series, in every way except the story.

I heard mixed things about this game but after finishing it I feel that it is one of the best in terms of its story. It was a perfect end for Kiryu (at the time at least lol) and this has one of the best stories. I can see why people would not like the gameplay, though. The gameplay can feel lackluster compared to the games before it. Also, Kiwami 2 is an improved version of the Dragon engine as well but to people playing in order will have played that first making 6 seem like a downgrade. Although, I still enjoyed the gameplay and would consider this one of the best in the series.

Very good game with a good story.

I finished this on Switch before it came out and it was a lot better than I was expecting. I'm now replaying the game on hard mode and high speed mode on my PS5. This is definitely one of the better 3D Sonic games.

I've never written a review on here but 343 screwed up so bad I had to rate this half a star (deserves 0 stars, though). This is one of the worst games I've ever played. This series is dead and I don't think anything can save it.