I finally got around to playing this after wanting to for so long because I loved the original as a kid. I feel like it doesn't hold up really well, and that it was carried by nostalgia for me honestly.

I loved this game the first time I played it years ago but playing it now doesn't feel the same. The story is nice, but I don't think it's the best Pokémon story anymore (still one of the better ones, though). The gameplay is alright; I enjoyed this and Rescue Team DX's gameplay a lot less this time around. My nostalgia goggles have worn off of Mystery Dungeon, sadly 😔

I don't like Persona but the reveal was cool and unexpected I won't lie

The best Naruto games in my opinion.

I enjoyed this more than 8 and 11 but not as much as 4. I don't really see the appeal in this series, it's pretty boring imo.

Terrible game. Worst PS2 game and the worst game of all time.

I'm not a huge fan of visual novels but this was pretty nice.

The best and my new favorite Atlus game (low bar). Atlus games are overrated IMO.

Possibly the best fighting game ever honestly

I haven't really enjoyed the main series DQ games but holy shit this is peak; better than any of the main series games imo.

They finally made a Final Fantasy with good action combat.

The story was very nice, and I'd say this was better than the main story. Definitely better than Persona as well just like the rest of the series.

The story was underwhelming and the direction for the future parts don't look interesting to me. The gameplay also feels pretty slow/rough and it doesn't help that bosses are tanky as well, and the aerial combat is also pretty bad. There isn't a reason for me to play this over the original besides the graphics; disappointing remake all around.

This game has one of the worst combat systems in an action/rpg game to date. Square Enix will never top KH2 Final Mix or KH3 ReMind except maybe with KH4, honestly.