So many mixed feelings about this game, bur ultimately, joy. It's a mishmash of a bunch of cool concepts that I can't believe worked, but I always felt stressed at how expensive its cosmetics were.

Ouch. I still long to play this game actually. This was Yikes

I love you Poptropica, so sorry you're gone. The new release of it sucks

I used to scale on animaljam. I had an irl friend who was an expert at it and me and my sister were her accomplices. She tried to hack me when we first met but I caught on. This isn't a joke btw. We got insanely rich thanks to my friend in my middleschool playground, who told me about a nonmember aj account who had free speech, she told me its username and password and it worked. We ended up getting a magenta furry alongside other very expensive things, a famous aj youtuber threatened to kill me Ingame for not trading him my furry, he was blue and his name was similar to Skorn I don't remember fully. It was great, my friend was good at scaling but she was overconfident and left all of our expensive items on that nonmember account who's password was obscenely easy to guess (just the username but without the numbers). My friend was kind of using me but it was still fun. Learned about capitalism

You're not my friend if you don't know my relationship with G Force

My only memory of this game was putting a baby in a grill on someone else's save file

Bloons td 6 was fun but this is the best tower defence game


I'm into playing PSP games in general, and I am surprised at how long it's taken me to find this. The puzzles get repetitive and difficult eventually, but its visual style and music personally outweigh that insanely in proportion. I've got a few games in mind that I'd classify as "so visually and audially stylistic and well made, it deserves its own category for quality", and this game falls under that category.

I bought this game thinking it would be a funny bad game, and I am stunned by how good it is. It definitely feels like the sims 2 ripoff I expected when I bought it, but like the sims 2, the level of detail and character and gameplay nuance is astonishing, enjoying every minute of it, although it lags my laptop even on the lowest graphics settings.

It's impossible for me to start on how much I love this game, and I still find new details in it every replay.

Where do I start. Everything. EVERYTHING about this game is bad (except for whitechapel). At least they have a woman in STEM. I want this game to not exist.

I'm Sir Daniel Fortesque in my daily life

Patapon 3 is my favourite game in the series. The tapering of your army in Patapon 1 and 2 was a unbalanced to me, causing fights to last an upward of 20 - 40 minutes, leaving you with a couple patapons where you don't know if you'll win or die off at the end, causing you to need to restart. That was the main change needed to make the gameplay the most enjoyable, plus everything else got a massive upgrade alongside it, too. The intensity of this game is so well done. This game is visually stunning! I am immensely enamoured by its designs and animation, the music is absolutely unbeatable, there isn't a soundtrack like it. The weapons are cool and compelling, and I actually find the continuation of the story really nice! This game is ENDLESSLY funny, especially in comparison to the first and second games which were lighthearted and pleasant, but didn't exactly have a lot of humour. I find it weird that this game has a "rock" theme, because the soundtrack feels just so right for the series. I think I had mad beginner's luck the first time I played it, because I never realized how difficult it was until I heard others talk about it.

I think everyone giving this game a good review is so right. I love this game. But I feel like it's unethical to recommend this to a soul. If you HAPPEN to drop your ppsspp and emulate it LET ME KNOW. Man the art is fantastic! The writing. IT HAS SOME GOOD MOMENTS. I love the main character oh my god. This game has a lot of parallels to my favourite game (and an astonishingly weird amount of similarities to Medievil 2. To the point where it cannot be a coincidence anymore). This game is terrible. One of the levels was so sickening I almost quit the game, but I'm glad I didn't because the final level and boss was fantaaassticcc! I love you Dr Steiner! Why did they name both the main and side character Fred.