This game lives rent free in my head as a great open concept that allows the player to address the game in various ways. The characters and style also go along way to the tongue and cheek chaos of the DMZ

What to say about a perfect game. The story is top tier and will stay with you for a long time. The DLC are also gold standard for what expansions should be. Possibly the best RPG I've played.

This game had a less than stellar launch mechanically for a lot of people. I however, did not have very many issues. So that means I was able to be a menace to night city. Great game and great vibe. Also Panam is worth the price of admission.

Great lil puzzle game that grew on the concepts of the first game. Also a great Coop experience.

Great game to play with friends and then finish solo. A truly authentic dnd experience

The story is peak and the soundtrack is peak. You wanna be a cowboy baby well this is the best game to do it whether as Arthur in a epic campaign or grab some buddies and from a gang of your own and camp valentine for losers playing solo.